Hello. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but how do I add a game to my website? I use yahoo sitebuilder. I've added flash games in the past and added other games, but I can't figure out how to do it with this program. I just downloaded the free trial last night and tried it and it seems pretty easy and makes nice games. I want to buy it but if I can't figure out how to add a game to my site, it will be useless to me.
I started reading this tutorial: construct.net/en but I have no idea what it has to do with uploading a game to a website. (no offense meant to the author of the tutorial).
Also, what do I have to do to make sure these are set?
.appcache files: text/cache-manifest
.ogg files: audio/ogg
.m4a files: audio/mp4
Sorry if I sound like a newbie, I'm really not. I'm just new to this particular program and have never had to mess with appcache files, ogg, and m4a before.