Pat's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • oh, I have xp64 sp2 and it seems there is no sp3 available for it.... hmm . Maybe its fixed in the new version, because i never had problems with it :). And now i cant import tiled images and sprites anymore. I guess there will be a solution.

    Edit:I installed r133 for now, and it works again :)

  • The same with me. XP SP2 . After first install and running Construct everthing worked fine, and the at some point, it didnt anymore. I couldnt open an image ether.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Oh, thank you for your answers :). I guess, I?ll upgrade to sp3 then :).

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open a project

    2. insert a tiled background

    3. Open an image for the background

    Observed result:

    There is no popup to search and open an image on my harddrive

    Expected result:

    There is a popup to search and open an image on my harddrive

    Browsers affected:no

    Chrome: no

    Firefox: no

    Internet Explorer: no

    Operating system & service pack:

    xp 64 sp2

    Construct 2 version: r134

  • 4 posts