Thanks TELLES0808.
Up until now, the only "working" level was the tutorial.
I just finished level 2 (first non-tutorial).
The Grae Mezzanine
I need to modify the tutorial once I know exactly how I want my inventory to work.
At the moment, when you find a not-so-typical object, it knows to hop into your pocket.
The gem with block-moving powers.
A ball that will allow you to jump a tad bit higher than normal for a few minutes.
Also, the pink, blobby dude will jump on your head first, but if you left-click on him, he will jump into your pocket as well.
To open or close the inventory, please left-click on the i Block at the top-right corner.
Another helpful hint, when your player touches a flying light, your pitch-fork will glow for a few seconds.
Please enjoy.