Paramonov's Forum Posts

  • Problem is fixed by deleting original sprite from layout.

  • How fast are cells spawning? You can use browser logging to determine the UID of the picked Cell and see if it's the correct one and also log the parameters being sent through to locate the error.

    edit : I see you used a text object for the params so you must know they are correct then check if the picked Cell is correct. You could use something better than last created which is to send the Cell's UID through as a parameter since you spawn it before and then pick Cell based on this UID within the function.

    I don't quite understand you, I have no use for UIDs now - only a function. Other methods don't work, this one at least works 90% of the time. Cells spawn very quickly and independently of each other, and to be honest, I'm not sure how the function works and whether it can be executed multiple times at the same time. - here is project

  • I did as requested in the next topic, but for some reason, objects are sometimes assigned a black color (0,0,0), which is the default for this sprite. I can’t figure out what it’s connected with and where the error is in this code.

  • I did as requested in the next topic, but for some reason, objects are sometimes assigned a black color (0,0,0), which is the default for this sprite. I can’t figure out what it’s connected with and where the error is in this code.

  • this also similar, but i cant figure out the Function thing.

  • This code doesn't work! The idea is as simple as possible: transfer data from personal variables to a new created object. I tried to do this through families, but apparently the application doesn't give a shit who I mean - and inside the family it simply refuses to see the newly created object.

    What to do? Smoked the entire forum, in the only example I need - the link to the example does not work

  • The only clumsy solution I see is to check every tick if the item overlaps the cell and manually assign AY = 1 to it. The only question is how this will affect performance, since this is clearly done in a loop.

  • Hi, I have been tormenting this solution for two days already .. The situation is like this:

    we have several inventory slots with one sprite and items that are important to move as UID objects, and not just change the animation. The array does not play a special role here, data is only written to it. The root of the problem is that if you move an item onto an item, they will swap, but the ui_bottom_button.AY variable for the starting slot will not change. I'm struggling with a solution, and at the moment I'm at the stage with a function that made things even worse.

    My logic for moving an item:

    1) When you start dragging, the starting cell becomes AY = 0, that is, empty.

    2) If you drop an object into an empty cell, then it will become AY = 1, that is, full, and the starting cell will remain AY = 0. (IT WORKS)

    3) If you swap items, then the item being moved is installed in a new cell, the cell becomes AY = 1, and the other item flies to the starting cell. Its AY becomes 1, since the cell is full again.

    And at the last stage, problems occur that I cannot solve. The starting slot cannot be tracked, since any actions with it, even through Selection via UID, through cycles, through variables, do not work, since the system tries to access the already selected slot in this chain, that is, to a new one. I just can't figure out how I can get out of this pit and force Construct to change the local variable of the cell, which I need to refer to exactly within the chain, in which another cell is already selected.

    I hope I have explained it clearly, I will be glad to any advice.

  • Stopped in to say the last solution completely helped fix the problem!

  • So, I am doing inventory on arrays, however, on the Internet I did not find a single necessary guide for what I need. Since I am not a very good programmer, I ran into problems at the stage of writing the item data to the inventory array.

    The problem is that no matter how perverted I am, the values change in the entire array completely. That is, an array full of zeros is replaced with an array full of ones - although I only want the first satisfying value to be replaced. How can I solve this problem?




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  • Not familiar with Osmos, but isn't everything that moves in a player?

    If you're looking for some random movement, you could use the bullet behavior and have a condition every x seconds to set angle to random(360).

    For some AI that heads towards the player when close, you can use the condition that checks distance between player and object, and action that set object angle towards player.

    If you add another condition to check if the player or object is "larger", you can set up the inverse action/angle to run away from the player as well.

    Very thanks for advices. I just don't know which side to this approach. That is, if I understand correctly, the entire development of AI of this type can be carried out only through the angles and Bullet behavior?

  • Hi, I am very interested in whether to implement the AI like in Osmos or Well, you know, top view, the cells were strolling on the field, and devoured what I will command them. Is this possible?

  • >

    > You're worried for optimizing game or for my time spent? Don't worry, I just need all the text and I will translate it. Russia - this is the second market of Steam, I remind. Think about it, when you start thinking on the profits.


    Both, any translator need to go through 5x PhD thesis worth of text... and I poorly coded it from a year ago making it very difficult to support multi languages, its something I messed up for with this game.

    You have listed only own difficulties. If you will agree, PM me.

  • There's no way to localize that easily because the amount of text in this game is INSANE. Full blown RPG, tons of module descriptions, tons of quests, story lines, missions... so many dialogues from the NPCs you meet as you travel.

    It is a monumental task. I do know Russian players love this genre though. I'm a big fan of 1C's Star Wolves series.

    You're worried for optimizing game or for my time spent? Don't worry, I just need all the text and I will translate it. Russia - this is the second market of Steam, I remind. Think about it, when you start thinking on the profits.

  • Visually, it is very difficult to understand which cells no longer yours. I advise you to proceed as in Osmos: there is more than red cells, and less - blue.

    But what about the dynamics - I didn't like, but it's a question of taste, not the gameplay, so do not worry. It is vital not enough super-bonus, in addition to time dilation.