Paoloq's Forum Posts

  • If you're still looking, I speak Italian.

    My discord: Tambanian#9473

  • rozpustelnik Your project looks amazing! What kind of game is it?

  • Nice! Good job on your graphics!

  • Congrats Junkes, it looks very good!

  • This game is awesome, very well done! You can tell there's a lot of attention to details (I love the fireflies light effects and the bats flying around). Do the dialogues really need to interrupt the gameplay though? I found that a bit annoying. I feel like they'd be better if they'd appear as a pop up at the bottom or some corner without actually pausing the game.

  • Also, here's a sneak peek to the next stage that I'm currently working on:

    Hopefully it'll be playable soon :)

  • Ok! It took forever but I finally uploaded an update of the game following some of your advices.

    Simon has now a complete set of new animations and can duck, crawl and look up and down!

    Here's just a little comparison as an example:



    I'd love if you could give it a try and tell me what you think! Here's the link to the game:

    Thank you!

  • I could help, but I have some questions I'd like to discuss in private. How can I contact you?

  • Good suggestions, I'm adding them to my game task list. Thank you!

  • Thank you!

    Yes, you're right, the character is a bit stiff. :/ I'll see if I can touch up the animations and make them look more natural. Thanks for your input!

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  • Well this is exciting... I just published a demo version of my first game!

    There is still a lot to improve in it and I definitely still have a lot to learn, but I'm quite happy with it considering it's my first videogame ever.

    Can you guys please have a look and tell me what you think? I'd really appreciate if you could give me some feedback and maybe advices on how to improve it. Thank you!

    Link to the game:

  • Oooook!!! I couldn't solve that specific problem but I found a backup file that runs and it's updated enough! Thank you anyway for your help I appreciate it!

  • Yes, that was the first thing I tried to do but I couldn't find the XML file anywhere :/

  • Ok so this is driving me insane...

    I have been working on my first project for about 3 weeks and today, when I tried to open the project file, this message appeared.

    I checked and that "TiledBackground.png" mentioned there it's at its place. I feel like I tried everything and nothing solves this problem.

    This is superweird because I have done nothing on my computer that could have affected my project's folder since last time I worked at it.

    Anybody have any idea of what might have happened or have I just lost all my work?