pabloukiyo's Forum Posts

  • Nice work so far!

  • Thanks so much roguecore!

  • Flame152 I would suggest that you start by reviewing the tutorials section. There is a wealth of info there, like this: ... elike-game ... m-tile-map ... collisions

  • Hi all, new update here for Cyborg Ascension:

    So we are working hard right now trying to wrap up the first zone. We have been adding new elements, weapons, enemies, and effects to really bring things together. Over the next week or so we should be able to move on to the next zone.

    We started adding different level objects to support the theme of the zone but also the level design. Here is a basic forklift we are using as a moving platform:

    We wanted to make sure that the level has some real life so we started creating some background fx to support that. You can see in the gif our examples of lighting, flying cars, and animated mist. There is more work to be done in this area with the cars speed, positioning, lighting, etc:

    Example of another zone enemy, the drone:

    Moving deep into the game the level design is really going to crafted to support some interesting puzzles. Not only will navigation be a challenge but how the level objects will effect that navigation will come more in play. Here is a movable object we are working on for zone 1:

    Stay tuned, more to follow shortly!

  • Wow this is just so visually appealing. Im excited to watch this project unfold!

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  • Really nice boss mudmask! Look forward to your project!

  • Really digging this! keep it up!

  • And I now give you our logo:

    • Post link icon

    This sounds odd to me. I would be interested to understand how you analyze the market. If you can guarantee 1 million downloads on an app, I say you are in the wrong direction. You need to be setting up a marketing firm and selling your services to others. Seems more lucrative if you really can do what you say.

  • We have a lot of weapons planned. Currently we are building in the first 15 that will also have variations of those weapons. More to follow!

  • Thanks folks! Yes this has strong inspiration from Blade Runner . There is also some from Kojima's Snatcher.

  • We have been working on level design the past week for the first Zone. Things are starting to come together in that regard. We also started mocking up the Title Screen. You can see the mockup and progression below:

  • Testing some weapons!

  • Thanks so much guys. Ethan just looked at the reference I can definitely see it . More coming soon

  • Hi everyone, I am Pablo from Studio Ukiyo. I would like to announce our first title "Cyborg Ascension"

    Cyborg Ascension is a Roguelike Action Platfomer for PC/MAC/Linux. In CA you play as Detective Yuudai Hashimoto, a man that is suffering from an unknown sickness that is tied to Komatsu Cybernetics. Players will enter and climb 50 randomly selected floors at Komatsu's Headquarters. Due to this unknown sickness, the player's health will be ticking down to their ultimate demise. They must collect dropped DNA strands to stay alive or choose to cash them in for upgrades after each floor. Speed is the key as you face multiples enemies, random boss floors, and a web of secrets to uncover your sickness.

    Key Features:

      - Over 250 designed floors that will be randomly selected and ordered before each playthrough.
      - Over 50 designed random weapon drops from Flamethrowers to Plasma Hammers and more.
      - Endless Mode - Where players will play random floors until death.
      - Boss Rush Mode - Where players take a shot at all 15 Bosses from the game.
      - Challenge Mode - Where players take on all designed levels in random order to completion.
      - Leaderboards, Achievements, and more...

    Some GIFs:

    Testing Animations

    Shield & Dashing

    Portal & Boss AI

    Background Testing

    Full Mockup for Zone 1

    Follow us on this post and at our site We are currently building the site to support a devlog for the game.
