PabloDev's Forum Posts

  • Just FYI.

    Ive been messing around with PhoneGap Build and today producing android apks of the same build

    Without a doubt is really boosting the performance (when you use the canvas+ option) of my game to the point that it is performing even better than when hosting native html/js over lan.

    Where I am seeing 30-40 FPS on PhoneGap and 50 FPS on Native over LAN, I am seeing 55-60 FPS with

    I am super impressed and excited by it.....

    Post edited to correct cocoon js to io

    I assume you are using the stable version 239?

    I am using r240 C2 and this one has a problem in cocoon io, black screen using canvas +, this is still not fixed in cocoon io !.

  • The truth is that this does not look very good.

    • XDK changes its focus, I have faults with it, it does not work well for me
    • PhoneGap only 1 project of 50mb max.
    • Cocoon 2 projects in free account, no crosswalk, with spashscreen

    I've already been able to compile on phonegap but the first thing I've seen has been a bug in my android 4.2 with "On touched"

  • I have never used phonegap before for building C2 games. Since IntelXDK is planning to drop support for Cordova, i would also like to plan my future build options.

    So have anyone of you guys tried building c2 games using phonegap? Is it good? In a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate phonegap ? And adding Cons and Pros would also be helpful. Thanks.

    Did you finally use phonegap?

    I have no idea how to use it, intel XDK does not work when using an appodeal repository: ... plugin.git

    It just keeps loading and never ends, it's frustrating.

  • [quote:gkify98f][quote:gkify98f]11. Even if the technology works well, I noticed it was hard to add plugins like Ads, IAP and other things due to incompatible versions for the most of them.

    Did you know it and how can we prevent ourselves to this problems ?

    This can be tricky. We need to rewrite the official Scirra plugins to make this work better. It's something we intend to do soon.

    I hope it does not take long to do this.

  • After testing, this seems to work fine.

  • Hello, I use this configuration to export.

    This file appears in the export, is this correct?

    I thought that file only appears if I use "Use new intel XDK project format".

  • If I'm right, those should be triggered if you drop the internet connection during gameplay or if you connect. It should work if your are un- and replugging your network cable while running the game. I don't know however if it works while previewing or you'll have to upload your project to a host.

    I have not tried that, maybe try it later.

    I'll upload an example to bitballoon and try it there.

  • Hi, this has no effect, the text is never set to any state, these conditions do not seem to work.

    Am I doing something wrong or is it a browser object error?

  • Ok, I understand how the Ads system works and the "cache Ad" action.

  • Copy this files in effects drawer... (opacity.fx and opacity.xml) and assign this fx to tilemap you wanr and

    then you can change opacity with fx parameter..

    Ok, I understand but I was talking about an official implementation of the opacity variable, although this can be useful while the C2 team fixes that "failure" with the opacity variable.

  • Hi, does anyone know what this action is for?

    I do not quite understand how ads work.

    When I have a loaded ad (video, interstitial or other), is it lost if I go to another layout ?.

  • Hi, does anyone who has two monitors can test this capx with the windows placed like in the capture ?.

    I'm not sure if it's a C2 bug or not, I think so.

    You only have to open the second layout, then it will probably crash.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Your 'Radar' object has it's initial animation set to 'undefined', which not only doesn't exist for that object, but it is also confusing the Construct 2 editor. 'undefined' is likely a 'magic string' used by the project loading process, and if something is 'undefined' it is supposed to mean something bad happened.

    That's right, I just discovered it almost at the same time as you.

    Thank you!.

  • > Johncw87


    > I'm not sure I understand you correctly but I will say that I have not modified the plugin at all!


    > Should I reinstall C2 ?.


    If you install a release build instead of a beta build, the error message will probably go away, but the error itself may still be there. It would appear that somewhere in your project, you have an object with an invalid property. My guess is that the property would normally be assigned by a combobox, but the saved value doesn't match any of the possible values. Proper investigation of this error would require examining your project xml and layout xml files.

    Exactly, that's what happens.

    I added a capx here

    It is not due to the plugin

  • ... ando2.capx


    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Undefined object combo property

    Condition: XmlStrToPropStr(f->second, p->type) != L"undefined"

    File: Projects\ObjectInstance.cpp

    Line: 424

    Function: void __cdecl ObjectInstance::ReadPropertiesFromXmlElement(const class xml::element &)

    Build: release 240 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Anular Reintentar Omitir


    This message appears when I open my project, previously this message had not appeared.

    If I click on "retry" the project opens normally.

    What does this mean? Can I solve it in any way?

    EDIT The error occurs because the initial animation of the radar is called "undefined", this causes the error.

    If the name is changed to "Default", then the error does not occur.