pablo7's Forum Posts

  • Thank you very much. It is working.

  • Hello. When i export my game project to NW.js, if there is a way to close the game for example on the button, or something else, or the player can close the game only by (Alt + F4)?

    Please help. :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello - i have a problem...

    When i export project to html, there is a problem. The page not always start corectly.

    It makes some error and it suggest the user, to refresh the page.

    When i export to nwj, there is a problem. The program not always start corectly.

    It makes some error and the program quit.

    The error says: Software update needed. This content is not supported, becouse your device software is out of date. Missing features: WebGL.

  • Zachęcam do zagrania w demo mojej gry. Bardzo liczę na ewentualne podpowiedzi.

    I encourage you to play the demo of my game. I count on any suggestions.

    game available here:

    This is only polish language...

  • The newest screen from my game. Now there is a mini map, notebook and save game...

  • Yes you are right rozpustelnik.

    The GUI is rather made on purpose. I want it to be simple and neat.

    But what about the story telling - now i see it better, that i must be very attentive.

    Thanx for the tip rozpustelnik. ;)

    EDIT: I want to publish it first (only) on Steam. I am consider the price. Should i make it as a free game, or try to sell it for a few euros...

    First i need to finish this project - it will take a while...

  • OK. No problem. Sorry for that... :)

  • Translation added by mod:

    Hello Poles. What do you think about such a game? :)

    It is a text game where you have to explore, solve puzzles, use collected items, make decisions. All this in the background of a delicate outline of the story.

    The game for now only in Polish ...


    Witajcie Polacy. Co sądzicie o takiej grze? :)

    Jest to gra textowa, gdzie trzeba eksplorować, rozwiązywać łamigłówki, używać zebranych przedmiotów, podejmować decyzje. Wszystko to w tle delikatnego zarysu fabularnego.

    Gra póki co tylko w języku polskim...

  • I decided to finish my certain project with Construct 2.

    But if someday in the future i will use a Construct 3,

    i want to know, how can i use a css style sheet in C3.

    I must implement something, or it is built in?


    Now i see that it is built in...

    Sorry for troubling you.

  • Thank you for the info, but i dont know how to fix it...

  • Hello.

    I find a Addon Manager in C3,

    but i cannot find a CSS Addon to C3...

    I try to convert my project from C2 to C3 (using one file),

    and there is a problem with css.

    Can you help me?

    (sorry for post a second topic about this problem).

  • Hello.

    I have a question.

    How to install the CSS IMPORT to Construct 3 ?

    I try to convert my project from C2 to C3

    and there is a problem with CSS...

    Please help.

  • You must wait a few seconds, or samething is wrong.

    What exectly is happen ?



    It would be nice if you see my new project.

    This time the game rules are easy,

    and you control it only with mouse.

    Before i start to create more advanced levels,

    i ask you for comments and advices.



    I added 7th level...

    The level is big and quite complicated.

    Password for 7th level: firstbiglevel

  • Hello.

    This is my third try to make some nice game. Now i am full of hope. But i need your help by your opinions. It is very early game stage, and your tipses will decided of the game shape.
