Estimados he intentado por un buen tiempo llegar a tener este efecto youtube. com / watch?v=6t2YvyLqw3c 8:56 , cuando al personaje lo atacan pega un salto hac?a atr?s, lo que yo busco es que haga eso pero aparte es que le cambie la ropa cuando recibe da?o, he logrado que le cambie la ropa, pero pierde colisi?n con los objetos, s?lidos... , alguien lo ha intentado ? o me pueden ayudar?, les adjunto mi ventana de eventos, y de antemano muchas gracias.
Estimateds i have tried for a while to reach this effect youtube. com / watch?v=6t2YvyLqw3c 8:56 when the character receives a hit he leaps back , what I am looking for is that when the character receives a hit he leaps back but his clothes changes also of color or form. I have achieved this but , a problem has appeared the character looses solidness with the sorroundings he goes through the obstacles or anything solid on the platform . Has anyone tried this ??? Or can anyone help me ? I attach my window of events and by before hand thank you.
fotos.subefotos. com/ b35e69adbbb36566279241a65a46ec7eo.jpg