ovirta's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • HI !

    i try this fun behavior, but i have too the error at the end of the movement.

    i don't find the last version. Where to get it?



    Post by me on 07 Oct 2014, 21:37. Zip attached. This is mod based on original behavior.

  • oanag - not at all. glad it helped

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  • Ok oanag . There is a later zip file so you could try with that if it resolves your problems.

  • Is this with the original behaviour or the "unofficial", which I provided while back? It should have some fixes.

  • ovirta - can you add a trigger such as "on spline path finished"


    justifun - done . Hope it suits your needs.

  • Few additions to original package:

    • Possibility to set spline traverse time in seconds with new action "Set time".
    • GetPos error fixed.
    • Error at the end of the path fixed.
    • Event "On finished" triggered at the end of the spline .
    • Action "Reset" added to reset splinepath to defaults.
    • Action "Toggle" added to toggle state (Enabled/Disabled).


    1. Add all points to the path with consecutive calls to "Add point to spline" action.

    2. Set traverse time in seconds with "Set time" action. If omitted time defaults to 1s.

    3. Activate spline.

    4. Toggle state - Optional.

    5. Add trigger "On finished" to wait for spline path to end - Optional.

    6. Reset Spline path to defaults - Optional.

    All credits to original package creator Pode (and respective owners of algorithms).

    Edit: Not enough reputation so attaching package to post.

    Edit2: Updated post to include new features and attachments.

  • > hi, I would like to report a problem with this plugin (not posting in "bugs" section since it's 3rd party).


    > I have the following event:




    > And when I pressed J, I got this:




    > I would also like to point out that this behavior has absolutely no properties, or any possible event conditions, and only two actions. I would highly suggest improving it.


    I think you might want to enable path first, then add point.

    First post so bear with me...

    Was looking for a way to traverse a path and stumbled on this pode spline behaviour. It seems to do to the trick and after this minor modification the "Unable to get property '0' of undefined or null reference" error disappeared. Problem seemed to be with the time value, which is intended to be 0..1. In the fix after time passes one the behaviour is disabled (this may not always be wanted behaviour though).

    Line 91 ->

    					if(this.time <= 1) {
    						this.inst.x = behinstProto.currX;
    						this.inst.y = behinstProto.currY;
    					else {
    						this.activated = false;
    [b]Edit: Actually I was still getting the getPos problem. Fix was for the problem when the spline had ended. As I said "first post.." :/  [/b]
  • 7 posts