othmanal's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • Description:

    Kidvio – help the hero to collect batteries to charge his phone and continue playing

    Kidvio is an exciting move and jump game, help the hero to reach all batteries and chips to charge his phone and continue playing in an amazing world design.


    Amazing graphic design

    Exciting 90 different levels

    Exciting 6 different worlds

    Collect 270 stars

    Collect 90 chip

    Collect 90 Tapes




    Subscribe to Construct videos now


    Store Links:

    Apple app store


    Google play store


  • anyone ?!

  • Ashley

  • Hi All,

    i exported my project from construct 3 to mac osx via (WKWebView) and i extract .zip file in a macosx machine and mygame.app is working perfectly

    now how i can open this .app inside xcode to archive the build and upload it to app store ?

    i cant find ane xcode project files inside .zip files

  • Hi All,

    i have a problem with construct 3 when i export my game as xcode projedt, after exporting the game and open it's file it's showing the correct app icon that i put inside icons folder in construct 3 project folder

    when i run the game on the simulator it's also showing the correct app icon

    but when i build the project and test it on a real ios device it shwoing the cordova app default icon

    how i can change this to avoid beeing refused by apple ?

    thank you in advance ..

  • Hi Everyone,

    This is a simple game that we were working on it at ( 22 Pixels Games ) and it's coming to iOS and Android very soon



    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    it is contains 6 chapters, each chapter has 15 levels with total of 90 levels

    it is support 18 different languages

    Let's know what do you think about the game trailer ?

    What do you think is the best price for it ?

    Do we need a publisher ?

    Thank you ..

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  • Do you mean 1024 X 640 px PER IMAGE?

    I mean my playable background.

    What is layout and window size?

    Layout Size: 1920 x 1080 px

    Window Size: 1024 x 640 px

    I received my designs in photoshop, and when i resized inside photoshop it's looks sharp

    but after import it inside construct 2, it's just goes blurry o_O

  • Any one o_O

  • Hi Guys,

    I am trying to make a game that can support multiple devices screens, so i used a safe zone technique ( safe zone 1024 X 640 px )

    and when the layout start, i scroll to the safe zone object and it's work fine with most of screens with some extra space on sides

    when game runs on mobiles and some extra space on top and bottom when the game runs on tablets.

    The problem that i faced, all my images become blurry after i add them to construct 2, I received images from my designer with

    hi-res to support rietna devices, images original canvas ( 2560 X 1536 px ) so i resized all images inside the photoshop to the same

    safe zone size ( 1024 X 640 px ) and it's look good and sharp inside the photoshop and on my desktop, but it's becomes blurry after

    i add them to the construct 2.

    in the properties, i changed:

    Pixel rounding: between on and off.

    Sampling: i tried liner and point.

    but i.m still facing the same problem

    Can you help me guys with this problem ?

  • Project Genre & Platform

    The game is an indie 2D platformer game based on Time attack like ( Super Meat Boy and League of Evil ).

    I planned to release the game on PC and Mac(Steam), iOS and Android.

    The Idea

    It’s about a kid trying to reach areas and find hidden item before time runs out, i am trying to make it simple, fun and good looking design in away to reach the largest possible number of players and ages.

    More info about the game and it’s story after the agreement.


    The game is near to finish from the code side, i already finish the 90% the game and i need to test the game after dressing the designs to avoid any bugs before the release date.

    What I am Looking For

    2D artist can make (cartoon style) similar designs made in games like:

    League of Evil 3

    Angry Birds

    Tiny Thief (better choice)

    Game assist that i need:




    Game objects

    Animate characters

    Achievements icons



    It is profit sharing 50/50.

    I will be responsible for any necessary funds like accounts, website hosting cost, paperwork and everything before releasing the game.


    If you’re interested, i've got plenty more info and i would love to see some previous work of yours – come say hi at: Look forward to hearing from you!

  • Hi guys,

    I want to make a game for iOS devices such iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and maybe Android devices too,

    so i was wondering what is the the best resolution for mobile devices game ?

    Also can iPhone and iPad handle 720P or 1080P resolution ?

    Thank you ...

  • Hi guys,

    I want to make a game for iOS devices such iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and maybe Android devices too,

    so i was wondering what is the the best resolution for mobile devices game ?

    Also can iPhone and iPad handle 720P or 1080P resolution ?

    Thank you ...

  • Hi Everyone

    I am trying to create a platformer game like ( Super Meat Boy and League of Evil )

    when the hero attack any enemy, he boost forward ( it's like he slide for a distance ) :

    this video for more details :

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    i tried to use ( move forward ) but the hero just disappear from his place and then appear in another place.

    capsx can be found in this link :

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4on197pmfvsfo ... .capx?dl=0

    thanks ......

  • Hi Daniel

    you can send it to: ogalamoudi [at] gmail [dot] com

    Look forward to hearing from you,

  • Hi everyone !!

    We are new small game development studio and we are working on our first project ( 2d puzzle platformer game ). Game like Super meat boy and Gunpoint.

    We are looking for a game artist with ability to design levels, backgrounds, menus and animate sprites for the game.

    The kind of style we want in our game is similar to this:


To apply please post some of your work, portfolio (or link to a portfolio), Thanks so much, and we look forward to hearing from you.

    Feel free to ask any questions you'd like about the project.

  • 15 posts