osek95's Forum Posts

  • gibbon Whats the name of your plugin? Maybe i will have to swich anyway because there is problem with other plugins on C3 rt also.

  • Hello,

    i am working with Google Play and my goal is to have on 3 leaderboard counter of times player won on each difficulty. So one leaderboard is for easy, one for medium and one for hard mode.

    To increment player score on certain leaderboard first i need to know prevoius (base) vale from leaderboard on certain difficulty. So to get score from all of leaboards on start of the game i implemented system that is working but i am not sure its very optimal. To be fair i was surprised that Google Play plugin doesnt have "RequestPlayersScore" function that would have leadboerad id as its parameter. Instead i had to use Request Hi-score in Window mode and 1 result (to get only players result).

    Here is my implementation. Do you see any room for improvement?

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  • gibbon Sadly i am using C3 runtime

  • Hello, i am working on my android (apk) game, and wanted to add snapshot feature. I know that when you working with browser project you can just user Browser->Invoke Download, but with APK build you can not.

    So is there any option to to this?

    Thanks in advance

  • Hello i am working with Drawing Canvas plugin and i want to make some kind of erasing tool.

    I can set color to rgba(0,0,0,0) by "set color in snapshot" and loading canvas every tick, but its far from ideal solution.

    I wanted to use "draw ellipse" function with the same rgba(0,0,0,0) color but realised it is not working if alpha is set to 0, canvas original color is not erased.

    Is it some kind of a bug? Do you have some ideas how to overcome it?

  • dop2000 julianlee

    I have same issue. Text is inivisible when Web-GL is enabled. I am exporting game to debug .apk via Construct and using default Arial Font.

    What is very interesting after about 10 seconds text is appeareing in game, after disabeling WebGL issue is gone, but this way i cant use C3 runtime (you can disable webgl only on C2 runtime).

    Did you find solution to this issue?

  • Ok now i understand you problem, because i have same too. Only on some devices (oneces with smaller resolution). Did you manage to solve this problem?

  • i have dark bottom edge , how to resolve that ?

    its probably scaling issue. You are probably using letterbox scale, to get rid of black bars like this you canset project background color or if its does not fit your project you can switch to scale outer. You can read about it here construct.net/en/tutorials/supporting-multiple-screen-sizes-17

  • Lancifer Yes, thank you.

  • Hello, i know how to set fullscreen by browser plugin, and its working well while exporting games for web(HTML5). Currently i am working on app that i want to export for android apk. After exprting to debug apk and installing on Android, the game launches with dark bar on top of screen (with current hour etc.) so its not in full screen mode.

    Is it possible to set fullscreen in this situation and how to do it?

  • el3um4s

    Thanks, 2nd one worked for me. Its the shame that Construct 3 dont have build in css plugin yet.

  • Hello is it possible to change input type in construct code (not by object properties). For example i want to make password input with option to "show password".

    [Of course i can make two inputs and sawap postion and copy the text, but its rather stupid solution.]

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  • Hi there, i am working on InstantGames project. Everything woked fine: leaderboard, player score, publishin on facebook hosting.

    Now i wanted to implement invite to game on button click. There is special option for this in insant games plugin "share", where you can choose: Intent (Invite/Share/Request/Challenge), image, text and data.

    Sadly when i exported and tested game on messanger there is no pop out and any result of this action on my facebook/messanger.

    I dont know what is the problem, i have added both plugins: facebook and instantGames to my project, tested difrent types of intent, but its still does not work.

    Do you have any idea why this is not working for me?

  • Hello, i am using AJAX to load text form .txt file into variable. It works well, but the problem is with polish signs like "l, a, c" which are transformed into replacement charactes ?. How can i prevent this happening?

    I was thinking about Overrideing MIME type with f.e. "text/plain; charset=utf-8", but this does not help.