Orpheos's Forum Posts

  • How so?

    well it simply does not work, it should do the same has when i press f11 but nothing happens, that capx you sent me also doesnt open fullscreen.

  • I'll make a capx for you

    oh cool ! thanks a lot

    i hope its not much trouble

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  • so i was wondering if there was a tutorial about the system in pokemon where, when you get a pokemon it basicaly sends you to battle, i dont want to use the same system has pokemon, what i want is when i colide against my enemy it takes me to a seperate place where i can battle him, and when its ove it takes me back to where i was, also if possible i wanted it to be with random enemies inside

    example: i colide against 1 enemy, inside theres 1 with a 50% of being 2 enemys

    if someone could link me a tutorial or perhaps give me an capx explaining how to do this, i would be grateful

  • how do i make the fullscreen option with mouse?

    i want this to happen

    when i click on object 1 - Set fullscreen

    its the same has if i pushed the f11 button, but i want to make it with the mouse

  • so i want to make a inventory, i tried following tutorials but they are too advanced for me, i want to make an inventory using array but i dont have enough experience... so the problem is i have the background for my inventory and i want it to follow dat size, but when i try to use an array it doenst follow dat background size and dont know what to do, i wanted to make an inventory where i could have like

    wood -> 20

    keys - > 1

    all alligned. if that makes any sense.

    heres what i have -> https://www.dropbox.com/s/lwqamg6rpsd8q ... .capx?dl=0

    can someone tell me a good tutorial or maybe give me an capx to see how its done?

  • This section is for actual bugs in the C2 software. If that's what you are reporting, then you will need to follow the guidelines and give detailed steps to replicate.

    If this is just a possible problem with your events that you don't understand, then this is entirely the wrong section. You should post in the 'How Do I' section for such things.

    ohh ok sorry about that

  • Well it seems to work perfectly..

    Although you can't see the zooming work ofcourse because it's done on layer 0 and that layer is empty..

    Changing it to layer 1 in event 8 makes the layer with the sprite zoom nicely..

    ok im retarded, thanks XD

  • i cant seem to make these 2 codes work together, any ideia why?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/htjurkvhl2zra ... .capx?dl=0

  • so i cant seem to make the screen move when i press the mouse, i can use the code in a seperate project, but when i combine all together it doesnt work, can someone help?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ion47nlfrzz22 ... .capx?dl=0

  • Simple way would be creating a global variable LastLayout and before the action to change layout use an action to set LastLayout to the current Layout..

    In the new layout : On button touched go to layout : LastLayout

    yeah i should have used the global from the start, thanks a lot !

  • so when i click a button i want to go to previous layout, that ive been, for example im in layout 1. i go to layout 2 and when i click a button in layout 2 i go back to layout 1 BUT if im on layout 3 and i go to layout 2, i want to go back to layout 3, does that make sense?

    1 -> 2 = go back to layout 1

    3 -> 2 = go back to layout 3

    this should be easy but cant seem to figure it out and im a beginner here

  • > Something like this http://www.viewtalker.co.uk/c2/Trees.capx - maintains a count of how many trees there are and makes them to order at a random choice from a spawning point ?


    > NB: It would be really handy if I could upload files rather than FTP them ....


    yes! this is it, thanks a bunch!

    i can do something with this now, really thanksfull

    btw it seems like sometimes it spawns on the same spot, how do i make it so it doesnt spawn on the same place ?

  • Something like this http://www.viewtalker.co.uk/c2/Trees.capx - maintains a count of how many trees there are and makes them to order at a random choice from a spawning point ?

    NB: It would be really handy if I could upload files rather than FTP them ....

    yes! this is it, thanks a bunch!

    i can do something with this now, really thanksfull

  • well, i think you have to save the number of trees you've destroyed in a variable

    set an ammount of time (or ticks) for the new tree to sprout

    set sprout locations

    pick a randmo sproutlocation instance

    sprout! (create object(tree) instance at sprout location instance which was randomly picked)

    substract 1 from the trees to sprout/spawn

    be awesome!


    destroy that mofo

    add 1 to the trees to be spawned

    hope it helps

    hmm i dont get it, i get the concept but i dont know the tools very well from construct.. maybe in more detail? or with a capx.. thanks anyways