organised's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Thanks Ashley, : ) any indication on when the next build is coming. Also this isn't what's causing this other issue right?

  • hey Foozmeat, I think I may be experiencing a similar issue, I'm kinda reassured that someone else has seen it! The resource just doesn't load

    Doesn't seem to have the same issue for iOS 10, there I was thinking this is a secure hosting issue!

    Have emailed the lovely folk at

    Hopefully this will get fixed soon!


  • Great work on building your own keyboard, have you considered maybe selling the source on the store? might save someone some time and reward you for your effort.

    I posted an update to the issue that I found too.

  • just wanted to add something in case you run into issues with Android. Any text input on android that is closer to the top causes the keyboard to appear and disappear really quickly,

  • I just wanted to update this thread with a solution.

    The gist of it is, if your text input field is near the top of your layout, then it can fall off the layout when things are pushed up, this is what causes the keyboard to appear and disappear so quickly, So just position it to be lower than a keyboards length from the top and you should be fine.

    It's a shame this isn't documented in the manual anywhere, wasted so many days on this. annoying as hell.

  • Not sure if I should be posting this in the bugs forum or here but there's a really annoying issue, wondering if anyone has a workaround / suggestions for things to try? other than creating or using a virtual keyboard.

    On an iOS device when you focus on a text field, no matter what kind of Full Screen Scaling you have for your project, Inner, Outer, etc, the keyboard stays on...

    On Android not so much... if you have Scale Inner on. The keyboard disappears when you focus and before you can even type a single letter.

    here's a quick video showing this

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Scale outer fixes it, but then causes layout issues, so how do I get Scale inner to work with the keyboard on Android?

    possible related issue? >


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  • Hey Praharsh thanks for the swift reply, that works, but it wasn't immediately obvious sadly.

    Two other related questions, which I'm also struggling with.

    1. If there were two different SweetAlert:Input Data prompts.

    How do you differentiate their input data

    PKP_SweetAlert.inPutFromPrompt in the field will always return the last input.

    I tried PKP_SweetAlert(0).inPutFromPrompt

    but that made no difference.

    any ideas or is this not possible.

    2. is there a way of knowing the data has been input, some sort of callback when the user submits data, so I don't constantly have to be monitoring it?



  • hi there, bought this, works a treat, just wondering how I'd be able to query input?

    I'm using PKP_SweetAlert: Input Data

    player enter something there, where does it go, I can't see anything obvious in the debugger.

    Thanks in advance. (not sure you'll get a notification so I'll send you a quick email)

  • hi folks, just a quick one, I noticed a tiny error that was breaking this plugin for me in a version I downloaded.

    go to the edittime.js file

    Find this line

    AddAction(5, af_none, "Set transition period", "Movement Setting","Change {my} transition period to {0) seconds", "Change transition period","SetPeriod");
    where it says  {0) seconds  changing it to  {0} seconds fixes the error.
    so the new line should read.
    [code:2pqruimc]AddAction(5, af_none, "Set transition period", "Movement Setting","Change {my} transition period to {0} seconds", "Change transition period","SetPeriod");
    anyway, thanks very much for this plugin. Works really well and helps with doing interface elements.
  • 9 posts