oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • I think the first thing that anyone should be taught is to read the fab**ous manual. At least up to the references section.

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  • Looks great!

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  • Not exactly what you've illustrated, but I have an old example that might be of interest. dropbox.com/s/3j5efgcnvv1kfwt/dissolve.c3p

    Similar idea though. You'll probably want to use drawing canvas to cut up your original texture into pieces, and then manipulate the pieces individually to attain the desired effect.

    Alternatively, just use a blending mask to mask the melting object as it passes into the acid, and have a simple animated sprite or particle generator under it.

  • Crowded? I highly doubt that it would affect performance in any measurable way. As for interruptions, it has gone down before, but I probably wouldn't be able to keep a better uptime personally without investing some significant cash.

    Peers not finding each other is usually resolved adding a TURN ICE server, which is generally speaking a paid service, separate from a signaling server. Hosting your own signaling server would be no different as far as connectivity goes for this type of issue.

    Before you worry about signaling, you should make your game first (try the free service)... There will be plenty of time to figure out if you need your own down the line. The same amount of work is involved to set up your own now or later, so better to spend your money and effort when you actually need it rather than do it ahead of time when you might not even need it at all.

  • Consult the big yellow box at the top of the manual page. construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/plugin-reference/share

  • If you need to ask, I'm going to recommend you not host your own signaling server. The free one works fine.

    You can buy it if you insist, at construct.net/en/game-assets/tools/multiplayer-signalling-server-2.

  • I don't think the has a genre, but the earliest game I can think of was a flash game called Nanaca Crash.

    I'd go with bullet behavior with gravity enabled, and randomly pick obstacles/boosts to spawn that apply an effect on collision.

  • dropbox.com/s/xhku2gdc8b2njwe/wrapseamexample.c3p

    Seams occasionally appear while in motion without pixel rounding, but the issue goes away with pixel rounding.

    Further things you can attempt are to make sure your dimensions are whole numbers and your image edges are solid without stretching/scaling.

  • Some more things to try include changing fullscreen scaling quality and pixel rounding. Maybe try using 3 overlapping objects instead of two to cover the seams.

    Hard to tell what the issue is from your description alone.

  • I had an app removed when I sent an update because I used 5 consecutives exclamation marks on the store listing... (!!!!!) it was there since the first publishing, but some picky google employee wanted to show how he excel at his job

    If you hosted a party and someone took a **** in your house somewhere you didn't find until way later, does that make it okay?

    Or maybe that rule didn't exist before because there were some assumptions made about basic human decency and they didn't think that rule was necessary, until someone came along and proved them wrong.

  • No and yes. The text object specifically is not an html element, it is rendered in the game engine so it cannot have CSS applied to it.

    However, you can use CSS to style all the "form control" objects, including the new html element, button, or text input, to look pretty much however you want, so they don't need to look like or serve their original purpose. I used to use text input the most for this, but the new html element in the latest beta would probably be most suitable.

    Note that html elements always float above the game, so you won't be able to take advantage of blending modes, effects, and layers with them. There is also the minor possibility of rendering differences between browsers and platforms, although I haven't run into one of those cases for years now.

  • The values are indeed saved locally on your (user's) device. The game client is also downloaded locally on each user's PC, and run using the capabilities of each user's system, even though they got it from a website.

    You'll need some way to communicate the data of interest to your server PC, and a way to get data from the server. A common way to do this with a web server is through AJAX, PHP, and MySQL.

    Another way to do it (probably not what you're looking for) is to have peers connect and communicate directly with each other (through a host), through something like the multiplayer plugin. However data normally isn't persistent with this method either, unless you have a way to keep a dedicated host up. The dedicated host would handle storing, retrieving, and syncing data with connected peers.

  • That's not what layouts are for, just make a separate project.

    It might be possible by passing a parameter in the link of the new URL, which the game can read and navigate to the correct layout on start of the default layout.

  • construct.net/en/tutorials/using-3d-construct-2746

    It's addressed in the section about transparency.