oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • There isn't really an object limit, but rather "How many objects can my device handle for any given target fps?" A phone might slow down at 5000, a high end computer might slow down at 100000.


    Usually you worry about running out of vram long before any object count issues.

    Animations generally don't mean anything. You are only rendering one frame of any animated object per frame anyways. Large animations have more to do with download size and video memory limitations.

  • It will be hard to diagnose your issue without seeing your events.

    I have a few ideas for you though. Firstly, if it is a simple flash, you don't need to use an animation, you could just adjust opacity from 0-100 a few times really quick.

    Second, you can use If-Else chains to signify priority. Else events will only run if the previous one did not.

  • As long as your numbers are in order, you can also use an incrementing value, like so:

    Button On Clicked

    AnimationFrame < 4 - Set Animation Frame to Animation Frame+1

    Else - Set Animation Frame to 0

    Or to be extra compact, you can use a conditional operator (advanced):

    On Clicked - Set Animation Frame to Sprite.AnimationFrame<4?Sprite.AnimationFrame+1:0

  • Maybe like ski terrain? Although I never figured out how exactly you got it smooth at the joints like that.

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  • In the image editor, set the animation speed to 0.

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwyvxrfb0mg4q ... p.PNG?dl=0

    You set the string returned from each button manually yourself, it is not defined anywhere.

  • Cross origin request? Are you referencing something hosted on a domain sperate from where you uploaded to?

    It is not your server that's blocking the request usually, it is the one you are trying to get the file from.

  • https://www.scirra.com/manual/78/expressions

    Read the operators section carefully. | is a logical OR expression. Each of the statements between the | will return 0 of false, 1 of true. So compare the whole first statement to see if you get a 0 or 1 out of it.

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  • Also you can use compare two values 0<var&5>var is equal to 1, but again that's the same as the system is in between variables condition. Why don't the previous suggestions work for you?

  • Compare two values var=1|var=2|var=3|var=4 is equal to 1

    Why not set up 4 conditions and use an "or" event block? It is still one event.

  • Do it manually. On button pressed, set a variable to the character you prefer.

    The keyboard has that expression because it already has a string mapped to every key...

  • Curved or straight trajectory? Straight you can just stretch a 1px tall line sprite as long as you need it, curved you can break it up into x pieces with some creative lerping.

  • Persist will keep your objects from being destroyed upon changing layouts.

    You can also save your answers to global variables, which persist across layouts.

    Honestly though..... Sounds like the wrong choice of tool for your application. Try using a Google form and sheets in Google drive instead.