oosyrag's Forum Posts

  • I don't have any plugins so I cannot open your project. Here is a quick concept example - https://www.dropbox.com/s/uzdqmvi7bpq43 ... .capx?dl=0

  • There are a few ways to do this. First one that comes to mind is to have your sidebar on a layer with parallax 0. Pan the main area with scroll to, and pan the sidebar by moving all the objects on it around.

  • Probably because it meets their standard for "deeply enhancing or enriching the user experience", however they define that.

    Anyways, you're basically asking in the wrong place. Apple does not reject all html5 games just for being html5. If you're looking for specifics regarding how to comply with Apple guidelines, it may be best to ask Apple support for more details.

  • Do you mean to orbit another object?

  • How far have you gotten? First thing you could work on is having a player to move around.

  • See the solution given here () for non repeating random numbers. Arrays are global, so even when you change layouts it will keep track of the levels you do not want repeated.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You are getting rejected because you are not following the guidelines. Try submitting each of your games as individual apps.

  • Make use of the trigger once and inverted conditions to turn them into triggered events. Avoid using the every tick condition if possible

  • You can take advantage of a "state" variable on your crow object. Use different events to control the behavior according to the state.

    For example, add an instance boolean variable "attacking", default false.

    For your events:

    1. if "attacking" is false -> fly in specified area.

    2. Trigger once, compare two values distance(player.x, player.y, crow.x, crow.y) < specified distance -> set "attacking" to true.

    3. If "attacking" is true -> attack player

  • You should keep track of non-visual data with instance variables. Your house object can have a variable that keeps track of the population.

    Edit: and your post dissapeared, but I'll leave this here in case you were still interested.

  • You can set "Global" in your object properties.



    By default, all instances are destroyed when the layout ends (e.g. when going to the next layout). If Global is Yes, none of the instances of this object type will be destroyed when switching layouts.

  • I haven't looked at your capx yet, but here are some general ideas:

    A progress or percentage bar is always current amount divided by the total. So you'll need to be able to answer the two questions "How many people have water?" and "How many people need water?". One way would be to run a For Each loop, adding 1 to a variable for each object that meets the requirement "Has Water", and then divide that total by the total number of objects that should have water. Same for food.

    For happiness, one way to do it would be to have a similar percentage bar, but count each category of need instead. So if you have two needs, and you only meet one of them, that object would be 1/2 happy. Your happiness amount can change over time instead of being instant if you want to make it more complex.

  • Set your text to the HiScoreFormattedAt(index) expression, or the other expressions related to the hi score.

    Remember it takes time to get the data, so use the trigger condition On hi-score request success to set your text objects, otherwise nothing will show up (trying to set the text to hiscore when hiscore is not available yet).


  • AFAIK you can't use the :hover tag, but you can use a mouse "cursor is over" condition to set css styles via the set css style action.

  • Is your game a compilation of other games? It is probably the way you present it.

    "...the code is not offered in a store or store-like interface... " is probably the most common basis of rejection.