> What do you need to do with moveto?
Move player invisible to X,Y position (multiple times when playing the game) and when player arrived the player becomes visible again and platform behavior has to be set back on, but have try it with tween behavior but it works stupid, when almost arrived it takes forever before it's at X,Y and the on tween finished don't work at all.
Piss me really off that so many customers want simple Go To behavior and that we just get ignored.
Here is an example for you.
Tween does what you need to do, just named differently. There are some differences between rRx's move to plugin and the tween behavior, but none that would affect the majority of use cases for them.
Perhaps you should spend less time being pissed off and complaining, and learn how to use what is available instead. Tween IS the simple go to behavior that many customers asked for. Not only did the developers address the community regarding this many times, they actually did make it, so saying you've been ignored is just absurd and ungrateful. Not the best approach when asking someone to do something for you.