Looks like I had the wrong approach.
Attempt 1:
Anchor canvas to viewport
Clear canvas
System scroll to Player 2
Paste everything to canvas
System scroll to Player 1 (or scrollto behavior)
Didn't work.
Attempt 2:
Clear canvas
Move canvas object to player 2
Paste objects to canvas
Move canvas to viewport
Scrollto Player 1 behavior
Didn't work
Attempt 3:
Clear Canvas
Scrollto Player 1
Anchor canvas to viewport
Offset every object by the difference between player 1 and player 2
Paste to canvas
Return objects to original position
I can see issues with the timing for my first try as I don't know how the behaviors order in terms of the event sheet stack. I would have hoped the second method would work... If i manually paste on trigger, I can move the canvas object around with the "stamped" image, so I would assume it works similarly within a tick.
Also opacity changes don't seem to be recorded either.
+ (no conditions)
-> DrawingCanvas: Clear canvas rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
-> Sprite: Set opacity to 100
-> Sprite: Set position to (-200, 0)
-> DrawingCanvas: Paste object Sprite without effects
-> Sprite: Set opacity to 20
-> Sprite: Set position to (0, 0)
The canvas "copy" is saved at 20 opacity.
Should I put it in a bug report? Or working as intended? Ref: dropbox.com/scl/fi/ku2z45kvd9qh179iacrce/splitscreenc3pminimal.c3p
Edit: Formatting. Line breaks not working?