Hi, I have been following the "Small Tactics" tutorial by
Kyatric, and come up with a puzzle game that will use simmilar mechanics to move around. But a little bit different, and im lost how to do it. I would like to only be able to move in 4 directions, not 8 (or 9 if you include standing still) like now in "Small Tactics". How do I tweak it so that I can only move either up, down, left or right?
Capex file is here - http://cdn.tutsplus.com/gamedev/uploads ... Source.zip
Also I would like to be able to block the piece, im lost how to do that as well.
Like in the attached image, I have numberd the grid to help explain. And where I put the red lines on the grid I would like to prevent the pieces from crossing. So going from 6 to 9 or vice versa is not possible and going between 1 and 2 is also not possible. Any idea how to do that?