onawa88's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • thanks!! for a quick fix i'll modify to 'not moving and platform is on floor'-and look into making the invisible box sprite. I remember having to do that for more accurate handling. thanks for the help and reminder!!

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  • Working on a platformer and just added walk animation and idle 'standing' frame as well.

    Having a weird issue where my walk animation sometimes pauses in the middle of its loop when I stop moving the character. Anyone have a quick fix for this?


  • Thanks for this! Will check out the links today!

  • I really am stuck on this and could use some help! I have a game idea that would have a spawn point, and on that spawn point you'd have an undefined object appear.

    When a character collided with it (destroy) it would randomly generate an object name from a database of words. That item would then need to be stored in an inventory that the player could go back and access/look at.


  • I have a couple issues. One, is that the peer is experiencing an issue where the ball goes right through the paddle sometimes. Not always though.

    I first slowed down the ball speed (thinking it was a collision issue). This did not fix it. Then I modified the settings for the objects synced over the network. This seemed to help a bit, but I still get that issue of the ball passing through sometimes.

    Secondly, text and audio I play at the end of a match/game - only appears for the host. Not for both host and peer.

    Thoughts on either of these?

    Super thanks in advance!


  • agh!! I'm having the same issue .. ball going through peer's paddle (sometimes). I lowered the speed of the ball too, still happens randomly. Ideas?

  • I am having issues with the ball going through the peer paddle. Does anyone have a fix for this??

  • 8 posts