OldManSpidey's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • I did a little bit more tweaking with other events and figured out the problem. There were other events that I forgot would affect those instance variables, which is why it wasn't changing. Thank you so much for your time and attention though!

  • Should all 3 health variables be 0 or less, or just any one of them?

    If any of them, you need to change your event to Or-block (select entire event, right click -> Make Or-block).

    I also suggest running your game in Debug Mode, you'll be able to monitor all objects, variables etc.

    All 3 health variables should be 0 or less in order for the layout to change.

  • I'm trying to create an event in which the layout changes when the instance variables on some objects reach a certain point. Here is an image of what I currently have:

    What I'm trying to achieve is when the health instance variable on these sprites reach less than or equal to zero, the layout changes. But for some reason the layout doesn't change. Is there something I'm missing?

    Thank you for your time and for reading this.

  • Try int(choose(120,60))

    That worked! Thank you so much!

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  • What I'm trying to achieve is having a bullet spawn on a sprite then proceed to travel in one of two directions, and it will choose which of those directions to go in randomly. In my case I'm trying to make the bullet go at either 120 degrees or 60 degrees. I have gotten it so that the bullet will travel in a random direction in the range of 120 to 60, but not either just 120 or just 60. The syntax I have now is

    [quote:2jyqkpah]random (120,60)

    Thank you!

  • 5 posts