nramjieawan's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Thanks. That site looks pretty good. . I check it out.

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  • yeah I understand the 3d part. I know that the Unity Asset store has a lot of 2D assets. The only reason I am asking this is that it seems like the Unity store has more 2D assets available than the Scirra store.

    I just want access to as many resources as possible, being that I am not really an artist that can cook up nice looking animation/bgs/sprites.

  • So I am now starting to learn the ins and outs of Construct 2. I have Unity3d installed on my system. I was wondering if it is possible to purchase assets from the unity store and them use them in construct 2?

    Has anyone tried this? I have read that in GamerMaker you can use assets from the unity store by finding the folder on your system and then dragging the assets into GameMaker.

    Does anyone know it this would be a similar process in Construct 2?

  • 3 posts