Nova's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • Then you can call the path you want with a action like

    "Set Path" you would have to add the name of the path.

    And get more out of it with conditions like this

    "Compare Node" you would have to put the number of the Node,

    "At Path Start" you would have to add the name of the path,

    "At Path END" you would have to add the name of the path.

    plus some expressions too but I am to sleepy to write the now.

    Yes, I think it would be great

  • Simple but efficient !

    Keet it going

  • Try Construct 3

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  • There is a wait object now.

    The above solution in the screenshot of doesn't work, as I used it extensively and it screwed up the timing.

    It never stops counting that 1000 ms, so turning invisible could happen 5 ms after pressing Space if 995 ms have elapsed on the internal clock.

    Oh okay, i didnt notice that ! Thank you and sorry for my bad answer !

  • Excellent behaviour !

    Thank you and keep it going

  • Here you are :

    <img src="">

  • Here you are :

    Download customMouse.cap

  • I am not very original but... it's very impressive !

  • having variable `objects` for conditions and actions, would be amazing.

    I totally agree ! It would make everything easier !

  • Yes, I know but how change that ? I've tryed lot of things !

    (like :

    • Is on ground
    • Is Not moving
    • F is not pressed)

    Thanks for your answer

  • Hi everyone !

    I have an issue with the bones behaviour and my platformer character.

    Here is a screen to help you understand :

    <img src="">

    My problem is : the action framed is not working, all is right (the "tete" sprite is well seted to "frappe" but the animation isn't working.

    All the rest of the animations (walking/falling/jumping , mirrored when Q pressed) are working perfectly.

    Any idea ?

    Thanks in advance ! (again )

  • It works, thank you very much

    (by the way, I edit me post title (with Z Order))

  • Hi everyone !

    My question is pretty simple :

    How can I preserve the Z order of my sprites (exemple:"windows, door, etc...") which are contained in an other sprite ("home") when I spawn the sprite "home".

    Exemple image :

    Original :

    <img src="">

    When spawned :

    <img src="">

    Thanks in advance !

  • Thank you so much for your example !

    I totaly get it !

  • Thanks a lot for your answer UberLou !

    However, I'm not sure to understand...

    So you have one skeleton and inside it, 2 differents head for exemple.

    How the fact of changing a variable can change my skin ?

    What if you want to spawn multiple characters ?

    Thanks in advance ! (again )

  • Hi everyone !

    It's my first post on this forum so I would like to thanks the developers of Construct first for this awesome program ! Thank you so much !

    So, here is my problem :

    I would like to make a fighting game (in super smash bros style) and to make the animations easiers I would like to use the "Bones" behaviour.

    Here is my question, how can I re-use the bone behaviour of one "skeleton" with another character.

    I am not sure I'm clear : I create a skeleton (with bones) and I would like use it again for aniother character, how can I manage to do that ?

    Thanks in advance

    (ps: sorry if i've made spelling errors I'm french !)

  • 15 posts