NotionGames's Forum Posts

  • We are now indie devs for both Sony and Nintendo!

    Now I am going to see how we can get Scirra on board with Sony as well if Ashley and Tom are wanting to go that direction as well.

    Super Ubie Land will be heading to PS4, Vita, and the Wii U. :D

    Would be awesome to use Constuct to keep making games so I want to get these guys on board!

    *Next project is Team Notion by the way for those wondering what Notion will be working on Next :D*

  • They won't be brawling anymore they will be shooting so the long limbs aren't needed as much :D

  • Testing background styles for the game. Going with a new direction making Team Notion younger elementary students.

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • [tube][/tube]

    <img src="" border="0" />

    *have to fix the head jitter

    I'm trying to combine melee attacks with projectiles and dodge rolls. And also be able to have crazy bosses, set pieces, and maybe even platform segments. The only problem with a brawler is that you're only brawling the entire time. So playing around with things.

    I've been using Contra and others similar to it as inspiration. Even games like Shank and Gucamelee.

    check out more development at

  • That does make sense. I will be sure to play around with a lot of camera styles. I think what you have suggested will probably work best. Thanks for the compliment and the suggestion!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks guys! a lot more updates coming soon

  • [tube][/tube]

    Spent about 6 hours on the very first prototype of Team Notion the game. All the art in this prototype was drawn over a year ago and even some assets are taken from Super Ubie Land. But this gives me a small glimpse of what direction I'd like to take the game. Hope you enjoy the very first preview of Team Notion... and yea, the test music and sound is from Streets of Rage 2 :D

  • Learning spriter for this project. I will still do a lot of traditional animations as well. Here's a test stance for Sandy. A lot of learning left!


  • Now that Super Ubie Land is complete, I'm starting on Team Notion! I'm drawing and getting used to the characters again. Here's some art for Sandy

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Sorry for double post but this game has inspired me for my next project. I like how it has a blend of castlevania and golden axe. looks great. i especially like the boss battle. keep up the great work

  • game is looking great *Thumbs up*

  • Thank you guys for all of the kind words and support throughout development! There's so much that can be done with Construct 2! I love it!

  • Super Ubie Land is complete!

    <img src="" border="0">

    There is a demo available on

    Still waiting for the Humble Store to update my widget and upload the game. but you can also go to for more information

  • great job and congrats on finishing your game!

  • love it!