nothyn's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Thanks a lot!

    The first one works great but I tried playing around with cell size and nothing seemed to work.

    Mind PM'ing me your skype or steam so I could ask you some stuff on the go?

  • Hey guys, I'm currently trying to make an RPG/Roguelike game and I'm stuck on some stuff and I wonder if I could make some other things simpler.

    I'll post my problems here for now but would be lovely if someone who's more knowledgable than me could give me their skype / steam so I could shoot them some questions once in a while!


    I basically want to make each separate enemy turn towards the player, the events above only make it so the enemies turn if the player is behind ALL enemies so is there a way to do it for each separate enemy object easily?


    I can't figure out how to get pathfinding to work, the events above make the goblin walk in a really weird pattern.

    Is there a more simple/efficient way to make the goblin walk towards the player while avoiding solid objects?

  • rexrainbow

    Wow, that was a fast response! Thank you so much!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • This thread is pretty old so not sure if the plugin is still relevant but I get this error when I'm trying to open C2.


  • Yeah, I've had it for 1 day and I'm already thinking of buying the license, haha. Will most likely do within a few days.

  • Are we allowed to edit and publish the templates (Platformer, Top-down shooter etc) with full rights?

    Also, I wanted to try uploading a game to my site / Kongregate but neither worked, the exported Konregate project shows blackscreen, any ideas how I could fix this?


    Got it working on my site, no idea what to do about Kongregate though. Am I uploading it wrong? Should I just upload the index.html of the project and that's it?

  • Hey everyone!

    First of all, I'm totally new to game making / programming and thus I wanted to ask if it would even be possible for me to use Construct 2 to a sufficient degree. My only experience with this kind of software was using GameMaker to create a really basic platformer but I got kind of put off since GML seemed to take a lot of effort to learn and soon after I discovered Construct 2.

    CL2 looks simple and esthetic and the 'complete' version is much more affordable than GM so I'm going to play around with it and see if I can make something happen.

    It would be great if you could inform me about some general stuff I should know about CL2. I've heard that HTML5 games might have FPS issues, is that true? I'd also be grateful if you could list some games with commercial success made in CL2, or just generally good games that I could take a look at.

    Also, my dream is to make a fairly advanced roguelike game / some mobile games in the future.

    Btw. I apologize for any possible mistakes, I'm not a native speaker.

    Thanks for reading!


  • 7 posts