I've been working on CocoonJS these days, and I've find several support probleme, I would like to list them here and so to find a solution in the future
1. plug-in issues:
Perhaps there is several plugin that the CocoonJS doesn't support, but I've find only the "TouchMouse"
2. Text
In CocoonJs, all the Text, whichever the size (12 or 28) use only a very small size, that we can bearly see them on a smartphone
3. Fullscreen issues:
In CocoonJS, there is only one way to use the fullscreen mode : crop+ scale, which means, when the sceen proportion is not the same with your original windows, it will do the scale, then fill the blank with the content outside of window(a little bit like the crop mode)
It is a good idea, I would say: and with tis method, you can have a nice fullscreen game for all devices:
1, use the Behavier Anchor, to fix the elements, whose positions are supposed to be fixed to the bord.
2, use a background a little bit bigger than the windows
3, Then chose Fullscreen scale.
4. TiledBackground issus:
I've used the sprite TiledBackground, but when I export on Cocoon, there is one more repetion added.
For example, when an image is use 3 time like this:
when it's exported on Cocoon, it's like this:
And then I limited the width and height of the Tiledbackgound
But there is still a problem, so I guess:
Cocoon traits all the Tiledbackgound as original size * integer , what ever you change them, they stay the same during any action.
for example,
when the move to action is used on a Tiledbackgound, which is 3.2* original size , Cocoonjs suppose that it is 4.0* original size. And then change their size to 3.2 when they reach the taget...