Nostrom's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • "I've searched online but so far everything is either tile-based or for 3D engines."

    Ok which one do you want?

    The video is a really good example of what I have envisioned. The challenges I'd face would be figuring out how to generate a whole map, how to use one texture to do it all and how to randomly place my own pre-made objects like trees and the like.

    Maybe I'm not explaining it well enough. It really sucks when you have an idea in your head but can't explain it.

  • Before I go into specifics I'd like to mention that I'm not looking for a block-generator like Terraria.

    Here's what I'm looking to accomplish:

      At the lowest level, to generate a smooth terrain. This is the kind of thing I'm looking at achieving but to be able to fully generate a world before the player spawns. I'd also like to generate cave systems but I don't know if I can have them dig into the pre-generated terrain or if they'd be part of that generation. The next level of generation would be the man-made entities. Trees, rocks, lakes, npc's etc. Things that are influenced by the terrain layout but don't influence it themselves.

    I have no intentions of having the player dig or mine so no terrain deformation or anything like that is needed.

    I've searched online but so far everything is either tile-based or for 3D engines.

  • Thank you very much. That's great!

  • I'll make this short and sweet so I'm not wasting anyone's time.

    I am aware that terrain generation is likely more advanced a task than I should be taking on but I'm making a game that uses it and all the other features are pretty much implemented.

    Is there code somewhere I can use to get me started in designing my generation?

    I really should be more specific on what I'm trying to accomplish:

      Finite terrain generation. (I think I can figure out dimensions for map sizes but if you have ideas I'd love to hear them)
      A way to generate certain tiles at certain levels. (An example would be grass on the top level and then further down stone and coal etc.)
      Objects like buildings, trees, npcs, dungeons. How would I integrate them into the generation?
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  • Google ragdoll, or inverse kinematics, but in all honesty it would be best to just use Spriter.

    Yea I've heard of Spriter. I heard that features IK bone animation. I'll check it out.

    Many thanks!

    I've actually googled ragdoll, Ik, limbo style animation you name it. I just can't seem to find anything makes it clear. Most of it is for 3d engines like Unity.

  • Hello all, I've been scouring the internet trying to find something, anything, that could hint at what I'm looking to achieve. I have however been entirely unsuccessful.

    I'm essentially looking for a way to animate my character in a manner similar to the game Limbo. For it to be able to transition between animations smoothly and be affected by game physics (walking over angled surfaces and the characters animation adapting).

    I'm not expert in game dev not even okay at it really but I'm stuck guys and my heart is set on this style.

    - This video shows the kind of reaction to sloping surfaces I was looking for.

  • 6 posts