NormanSamsa's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Referring to the .capx here:

    1.) The climber starts doing unwanted rotations after the first respawn from "Falling Man" (code lines 46 & 47) but only after he gets hit by another object. I get this result when running create object instead of spawn as well.

    2.) Using the first layout as an example of the successful animation, I'd like the climber to animate a "hoisting up" move in the second layout, at each of the building ledge transitions. Here too, I tried what's in the code at line 3 and also by comparing climber's Y, but neither work.

    Thanks for taking a look and hope you can help!


  • Hi,

    I have a family of sprites walking across the screen at different individual rates ("Move forward [#] pixels"). The same family is mirrored to walk the other direction as well (it's a city sidewalk). However, the mirroring makes the slower people fast and the faster people slow. Is there an expression to retain the mirrored sprites' forward movement at the same respective rates relative to zero, at the family grouping level?

    A screenshot of the .capx for reference:

    Much Thanks,


  • I like it! Only thing that really bothered me visually was the pixellation of the enlarged bats (after they're hit).

    Personally, this would be a really ideal daddy nightmare land to inhabit... unfortunately mine is populated with clueless program managers, mid-level supervisors carrying pink slips, and educators who've checked out but never leave.

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  • Much Thanks! I had played around with two globals, but forgot to take into enough account the hierarchy of the event sheet. By moving the global comparisons lower in the sheet like you suggested, and adding a delay ("wait") of 1.5 seconds to accommodate the rapid scoring events that call up the positive indicator, I got exactly what I wanted.

    Thanks again!


  • I have the score updating as a text string fine, but I'd also like to add another score indicator that compares the score to the previous tick's score. So if the score goes down from the previous tick, a frown face appears. If the score goes up from the previous tick, a happy face appears.

    Is there a type of "pick nth instance" for a time-based variable (instead of just objects) for this type of comparison?



  • Thanks very much for the reply. It's a great example, but I'm still struggling to put it together so that the line appears to grow from left to right as the game is played (connecting y-axis score nodes every two seconds). I'd post the code I put together if the result was even anywhere close. <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello,

    I'm working on a game and would like to try to show the score in the form of a line chart instead of a boring old horizontal bar <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> . Any ideas on implementing this? I tried adding global variable values independently to the x (time) and y (score) axes of a tiled background, but so far the best result I can get is a block accordioning vertically as it expands across the screen.

    I appreciate any help and am really enjoying working with Construct2.


  • 7 posts