Nomsa's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • I have an HTML game being hosted on Dropbox.

    When opening the page on ios it pauses all music that is playing on my device (via Spotify) and wont allow me to play it at all while the page is still open. Trying to restart the music via the control center does not work because the control center does not give access to music (only "Web" audio).

    I was wondering if there was an easy way to fix this. Thanks

  • Object.Count > 0

    Hahaha perfect! Thank You

  • Hello, I have been looking for a way to test if an object currently exists in a layout. I have looked around but cant seem to find anything. This seems like it could be easily done and I must just be missing something obvious.

    Thanks for any help!


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  • I have an HTML game which is hosted through google drive. I would like to know if it is possible to save variables in some form of data file within the google drive folder that is hosting the game.

    I want to do this in order to save highscores to the google drive folder and have them be view-able to to anyone who plays the game. This would hopefully be possible because they would be accessing that same folder which contains the data file.

    Any help is appreciated, Thanks!

  • I would like to know this as well. My reason would be so that a player could save their high-score and it would add it to some sort of data file which was located in the google drive folder (which I'm using to host my HTML game). Hopefully, there is then a way for another player to view this high-score becasue they have access to the data file from the google drive folder.

  • I would like to be able to set the mouse cursor's AboluteX and AbsoluteY to the middle of the window every tick. Is there a way to do this? Or does HTML not allow for direct manipulation of the cursor's coordinates.

    Thanks for the help ,


  • 6 posts