Noga's Forum Posts

  • Czech

    Ping = average 52ms

    Ping = 286ms

  • I've used my method with only spacebar used as sticky key, but basically there is a detector to determine whether the circle is close to a ceiling. You can turn off 1st event to see the detector.


  • Error when opening the file, you'll have to save the project as a single file - .capx

  • Hi, try this if this works for you.

  • Czech community moved to a new address

    The site is still WIP, so excuse any typo, errors, not translated text you may find.

    Tom - could you make changes to the communities page? Old address is obsolete now.

    It's very difficult to find this thread or the communities page, there is no link from the main menu. I had to go to forum first, than click advertising at the bottom, and than communities at the top.

  • Didn't know my interest in the program was such a bother...

    Than how come you've missed the sale, over all the interest? If you'll read Ashley post in the topic TELLES0808 gave you, you'll see they've done a lot to notify everyone.

  • Glad you made it, pity my bank account is completly dry at the moment and can't buy the beta. I'll have to wait until payday. How long the pre-order will last and will you change the price after?

  • I used Anim's example - this works

  • I'm using coding, I feel like there was a slight difference between a programmer and a coder, in the way, that the programmer uses "real" programming languages and the coder scripting and else. I think, if I were an artist, wanting help and using Construct 2, I'd be looking for a coder.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Happy BDay, it was a great year and I curious what's waiting for us in the next one.

  • Thanks for that, I'm away from home with restricted access to internet, this summary will make it easier to catch up.

  • Do you have an example caproj? I've found only 3 on my disc and none of them works, but it's not the programs fault, I have problems open them normaly in the C2. They must be corrupted or something.

  • Google has assigned the bug!

    We're finally getting somewhere!

    That's great.

    Their response

    • More details in the bug reports (e.g. what operating system and version) would be helpful.

    I can confirm it for Windows 7, 64-bit, service pack 1

  • counter-attack

  • There are many ways how to do that. Besides Ashley's tip, you can try example which comes with C2. When you start C2, on the welcome screen click "Browse all examples" and open "Unique IDs (UIDs).capx" file. You can find more details about it in the manual and also in this topic.