nisuboy's Forum Posts

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  • Hi everyone!

    I loove Construct — it's always been a creative sanctuary for me. But even today in 2024, testing on powerful mobile devices, I’m not able to achieve smooth gameplay. I get the same familiar frame skips and jank I've always associated with Cordova games on mobile, and it's a bit disheartening.

    As an example, I created a barebones demo with an object moving in a circle. Exported through Cordova for both iOS and Android, there are noticeable, intermittent frame skips. This issue makes gameplay feel sloppy and unreliable. I extensively tweaked the Project Properties according to ideas on the forums, trying different renderers and settings, but the issue persists.

    Is there or will there ever be a stable fix for this, or should I accept that Construct 3 (and web game engines in general) might not be suitable for achieving the smooth feeling I want on mobile? Ashley, I’d appreciate your honest take on this. Do you have any tips to eliminate the jank manually within the Cordova project, or ideas about alternative export options?

    I’m attaching video links and relevant demo files to demonstrate the issue I’m facing. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    On another note, I just want to give a heartfelt thanks to Ashley for his incredible vision and consistent efforts in bringing Construct 3 to life and supporting it. I feel so grateful for this tool and the empowerment it has given me to create, even if I might not be able to use it for my mobile game projects.

    Demo Project File:

    Demo Videos:

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  • 2 posts