Nimtrix's Forum Posts

  • Like this: SpawnWithMouse.capx

  • Your building blocks are set as global objects, you can change it in the "Object Type Properties" to the left. Also, there's no need to ZIP a .capx file, it's actually just a .zip file of your project.

  • I looked at the Families example that comes with C2. It sounds like that might really be what I need if I want to be efficient

    Ah, i see. You're quite right, you'll need families to do that efficiently. Gonna have to buy I guess. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • If you want all the apples to turn transparent when you lift one apple, and all the oranges to turn transparent when you lift one orange, you probably have to make events and variables for each type of object. Like this

    If you just want the single apple/orange to turn transparent, you don't even need variables, but I'm guessing that's not what you're after.

  • Shouldn't have to, have a look at this:

    Dropbox: Drag Drop Example

  • It depends on what you mean by aligned, really. If you pin them to each other when they collide, you could maybe use:

    Object: Is Pinned
    -> Set animation: "Hit"
  • You can stick them all in a single family

    If you have a license, that is. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    If not, you could use a global variable that is changed when you drag an object. And then set opacity to 50 when the variable is 1,

  • Also, "to anyone" Is there an "on create object" command I have not been able to get it... So when I spawn an object I trigger "this" ?

    If you want something to happen every time you spawn a specific object, just add another event under the same condition.

    Global variable = 1:
    -> Create object X
    -> Do other things

    Or, if you want it to happen every time you spawn ANY object, just make another variable that changes every time you spawn an object.

    (Or if you have a license, you can use families)

  • To get the car movement working on the computer cars you just have to disable "Use default controls" in the behaviour.

    I made a simple TurnLeft/TurnRight system that'll hopefully help you along the way. It's not random movement, but you should be able to edit it and get random turns.

    Dropbox-Link: ParkingGame_Edited.capx

  • How about adding an instance boolean to the blocks, and set it to true once the blocks collide. This will ensure the points are only given once.

    Example .capx

  • It's possible the number doesn't show because your text object doesn't have room for all the decimals. Try using int(cannongun.Angle)

  • I modified your .capx a bit, hope it helps:

    Example: Elevator, 3 floors (No buttons)

  • I happen to keep some old releases on a memory stick, so here's a 80.2 version, should you need it.

    Same example, 80.2

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  • I don't know of any way to compare several variables in one event, but here's how I would've done it with a somewhat simple repeat loop:

    Example - Pick Highest Value (Compare 4 variables)

  • For the lagging elevator, try disabling event 21 in Yann's example, and you'll hopefully see what it does.

    Controlling the elevator with buttons gets a bit more complicated though, I don't think sine movement is the best behaviour to use in that case.