nimos100's Forum Posts

  • Just updated to NWjs 0.13.0 rc 1, which didn't solved the problem.

  • What probably would fix it is a unfocus option. I had this with the normal text box and that seems to fix the status bar trouble.

    This plugin has a focus option but nothing to unfocus it.

    My action actually destroys the complete box once the user submitted the text.

    Let me know if there is a fix for this.


    Focus and unfocus in C2 is not really handled very well I think. But you can try a work around which is to add a button and once you want to remove focus from a textbox, You give this button focus and then use the remove focus or what it is called afterwards to remove it again.

  • Ashley this is a question for you, If you should name/explain one feature and only one, in C3 that you think are the best one so far, what would it be? (Now this can't be one of those mentioned on the C3 site )

  • I can reproduce this bug only on computer with bad graphic drivers (as a VM) (export build with C2 r221 nw13beta5-6-7)

    I use Nvidia newest driver 361.91 so it should be up to date.

  • Can you reproduce if you append ["text"&newline&"text2"] ?

    Just make an experiment. Take a look, nimos100 . <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> ... ile%2ccapx

    Never mind, it was me...Dooh <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    It works fine, I had a blackout as I was opening the file in notepad rather than notepad++

    Anyway thank for the replies <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Problem Description

    C2 seem to get stuck in full screen mode. Even across projects. If I add a "Browser - Request full screen" and run the application through NWjs. It does go full screen as expected. However if I disable the "Request full screen" in the code it still goes full screen when preview. Even if I make a new clean project with no event at all in it and preview it, it still goes into full screen mode. Even after restarting C2 the project that seems to have used the "Request full screen" is stuck in that mode.

    Can anyone try this and confirm this issue? It is really weird. (ALSO BE SURE TO TEST IT IN A NEW PROJECT!!)

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Just request full screen

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    1. F4 to preview the project. It will go to full screen.

    2. Disable "Request full screen" and run the program again.

    Observed Result

    Regardless of whether Request full screen is used or not, it will keep going full screen even after it have been disabled. Even across different projects.

    Expected Result

    Affected Browsers

    NW.js 0.13.0 B7 and B6

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Well, as the title says, I want to know how to make different AI for each enemy, I have the AI, the problem is that all enemies that are the same sprite move always together, I mean, the AI is simple, its just like "choose(Move left, Move Right)" and then, "Wait (1, 2, 3, 4, etc... seconds)" and then "choose(Move Left, Move Right)" again, its like a loop, the problem is that all enemies move the same direction and they all wait the exact same time, what I want is to have same sprites but they have their own pattern.

    PS: Srry if you dont understand at all, Im not english :p

    You are missing a "For each Enemy" some where.

  • When i try open project i have 'Initialization error 2'

    When i try export game i have minifying script error (iven if i install newest ver. of java 8)

    sometimes i have problem with save project, im very afraid someday i lose my work

    abyone have similiar problems with newest relase?

    Is this related to my bug report or CAPX? or why did you post that here?

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  • Problem Description

    Writing to a file with NWjs using the newline seems to not work anymore.

    Attach a Capx ... e_bug.capx

    Description of Capx

    Click the button will append ["Test" & newline] to a file in the user folder.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Observed Result

    The text is correctly added to the file, but the newline is ignored.

    Expected Result

    When the button is clicked several times the text would be written underneath each other as it used to.

    Affected Browsers

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r223, NWjs 0.13.0 beta 6

  • Quick navigating functions

    This was an old suggestion made, that I still believe would be one of the most useful features in C2. So ill add it here for that reason.

    The ability to Ctrl + Click (or whatever hotkey is useful) a function call to quickly jump to the where the function is declared.

  • NW.js dialog tags

    When using NW.js "Show folder dialog", "Show open dialog", "Show save dialog" and afterwards the triggers "On folder dialog OK", "On open dialog OK", "On save dialog OK" it would be very useful I think if it were possible to set a tag for these as you can with audio.

    As it is now there are no build in functionality to specify which "On ... Ok" will trigger if you use several of them. You can and have to do this using manual variables, but would be handy to simply make it a standard option in the NW.js functionality, I think.

  • If it helps, here is a tutorial on making your own text box using an offscreen textbox as the actual input. ... box/page-3

    Thanks for that, its a good tutorial. Unfortunately nothing that addresses my particular problem as I actually prefer using the "standard" design rather than a sprite font textbox in this case.

    But there are many uses for what is done in that tutorial, so thanks for that.

  • This is tricky to work around - if you type on the comment box on this page, you can still select its text sometimes by dragging from outside the textbox. It even seems to focus the control sometimes, even though the click started outside the control. This kind of browser-default behavior is tricky to correctly disable: if you just say "disable mouse moves", then you can't select text at all inside the control, but trying to define how to say "disable when the click did not originate from this control" requires app-wide pointer tracking with support for mouse, touch and pointer events for cross-browser support, and co-operation between different plugins that need this kind of feature. So it's actually pretty complicated.

    I think it's a fairly minor issue that is easy to workaround with that event, but I'll leave the report open in case future refactoring of the runtime can resolve this.

    As you say its not the end of the world this issue and there are workarounds. But thought that if it turned out to be a simple fix, it might as well be done. But thanks anyway.

  • I've set up that item count goes up and down when you're buying/selling (i still need to set the limit so that you can't sell items that you don't have-could use some help on that too )

    If you store the amount of items the player is carrying in your player object as variables. (Item_1, Item_2, Item_3...etc) you can check against these to see whether the player have enough of them to sell. Simply but doing a Item_1 > 0.

    And you can do the same for the shop.

    [quote:3a80ffxz]The thing is, i can't for the life of me set things up so that when you buy/sell stuff, the final money value is added / substracted from your inventory. Finding out how to limit the trade so that you can't buy things you can't afford would be great too!

    This can be done the same way as above. In this case you just make a variable called "Player_money" and you add/subtract from this and again you can use this value to test vs the price of the item the player want to buy.

    Player_money >= Item_1_cost

    [quote:3a80ffxz]Also, i have some questions about randomizing prices, so help with that would be great!

    You can create random numbers using the following code:

    Random(10)   <- Will give you a random number between 0 and 10, including decimal numbers.
    Int(Random(10))  <- Will give you a random integer between 0 and 10.
    Int(Random(Number) + 1)
    Int(Random(10) + 1)  <- Will give you a random integer between 1 and 10.
    So you can create random prices for your items like so:
    Item_1_cost = int(random(100) + 1)
    Will set the price to a random number between 1 and 100.
    But I might have misunderstood how your inventory works and that this is not what you meant.
  • You can avoid selecting the TexBox by simply unfocus it when you drag the sprite:

    Sprite| DragDrop is dragging -> TexBox| set unfocused.

    But the TextBox is always above the game canvas, so you will drag the sprite along behind the TextBox.

    If you want to avoid that, you have to make your own TextBox.

    That works fine, guess that is fine enough as a fix