nimos100's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    The line of sight behaviour doesn't work if the objects are part of a family.

    Attach a Capx ... s_bug.capx

    Description of Capx

    Shows the difference between using a family and non family when testing for line of sight.

    The green squares are in a family with the LOS behaviour added to it and the blue squares ain't. The code for both of them are the same. The UID of the squares that have LOS to the red square will be written in the appropriate list. So would expect these to have the same output.

    When running the program its clear that the green square ignore the LOS test. Where as the blue square doesn't

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Start program.

    Observed Result

    Objects part of a family are not working correctly with line of sight tests.

    Expected Result

    That it would work the same whether the line of sight behaviour were added to the individual objects or the family

    Affected Browsers

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • You can download NW.js yourself from their site and copy the package.nw file that Construct 2 exports over to whichever version you chose, and it should work with that version of NW.js. We have to update NW.js at some point, and the first beta release in a beta cycle is probably the best time to do that. There were several other bug reports affecting NW.js that were Chromium bugs that were long since fixed, so older versions are not necessarily less buggy. Hopefully we can get NW.js 0.13 working reliably through the next beta cycle.

    Cheers Ashley and don't get me wrong, I love any updates added. My thoughts were just that the general bug fixes for C2 could have been added in a r217 release. And a major update like NW.js in r218 on its own.

    Anyway ill have a look at copying the package.nw file.


  • I hope someone can answer this, if not at least I hope Ashley will. I made the bug report regarding the audio resume not working and its great that it got fixed.

    However since I made the report and this wasn't something that I found out by accident, but its a bug in my current program that I of course would like to get fixed by updating to r217. However my program also rely heavily on NWjs. Said in another way, without it, my program can't run.

    However reading other peoples posts, including the r217 release note, I don't feel like I will be able to use the new alpha version of NWjs, without it causing some serious problems for my program.

    Why some general bug fixes are entangled with some alpha release of NW.js which clearly stated several places are causing a lot of problems I really don't understand, even if r217 is a beta release.

    I assume that if something is wrong with the bug fixes in C2, these can be sorted, but any bugs found in the required NW.js alpha will not be. And since its not possible to apply the C2 fixes without also applying the NW.js as well, its not in general a good beta release.

    Everything as it is now works "fine" with the last NW.js except the audio resume. So is there any way to fix that, without having to update NW.js as well?

    Maybe like installing r217 to another location and copy over some files which will fix this bug or something, so I don't have to update to the new version of NW.js. Its a bit frustrating to make a bug report for something, because its actually a bug you experience, seeing it will get fixed, and then when it does, you can't do it, without the risk of ruining your whole program.

  • okay, got it, i now want to make multiple collision polygons on image... is this possible?

    No, you can only have one collision mesh per sprite. What you can do, also to reduce the number of collision points in the mesh, is to create collision sprites, these you place where you want collisions to happen and then turn them invisible. So you don't use your actually level image as collision mesh but these. Just make them small (32x32) in the sprite editor and then you increase there size in the editor it self, to reduce the amount of memory used.

    Alternative you design your level, so you have a background, and then all the parts you want the player to collide with you add on top of the background and then you can set up collision for these.

  • Thanks for your reply!

    I expected to need a workaround like that.

    However wouldn't it be possible to start the NW.js twice with the same parameters out of C2?

    I guess that would need an implementation in the program itself.

    Maybe a feature request could help in future

    Thanks again, have a creative day!

    Yeah it would be a nice feature I think

  • Dear People,

    is there a possibility to start NW.js multiple times when previewing the game?

    When i'm trying to test a multiplayer game i can simply preview it in a browser by open as many tabs in it as i want.

    However the NW.js only starts once. It would be awesome to be able to open multiple windows cause whenever i'm previewing stuff the tabs (and in this case the NW.js windows) would reload.

    Is there a way to do that or do i need to make a feature request somewhere?

    Thank you!

    This is not a feature built into NW.js it seems, however you can "trick" it so its possible, if you do like this:

    1. Open C2 two times and load in the project in both of them.

    2. In the project properties panel for one of them you change the project name. So if your project name is "Multiplayer car simulator" then you just call the project name "Multiplayer car simulator 1" for instant in one of them.

    That will allow you to run two versions of the same program. However not sure how it makes your program behave, but at least you can do that way.

  • Delete object warning

    This is an improvement or extension to the warning that you get when you want to remove an object from your project. Normally when you do this you get a warning telling you that it will remove all actions, conditions and expressions related to the object. Which is really nice, however when you are working on big projects and you might not recall all the places where this object might have been used etc. The removal can cause some serious problems if you are not careful and normally, at least for me I keep an eye on the number of event in the status bar to see if it changes when I remove an object and if it does I can undo and then check through the project to make sure that it wont cause problems before I do it.

    What would be nice and since C2 already have to go through the project deleting the actions, conditions etc. when you press yes. Would be if it in the warning message wrote how many actions, conditions, expressions it would delete, so you would know what impact it would have.

    I can't imagine that being a difficult thing as it already "scan" the program when removing it. So it could just "scan" and count the elements without deleting them before pressing yes.

    Just a small extension that I think would be handy.

  • Screen resolution

    A way to get more control over the resolution when the "Fullscreen in browser" settings doesn't cut it.

    Get screen resolution - The ability to get the screen resolution set in windows/OSX.

    Set screen resolution - The functionality to change screen resolution to suit what you need. Like you can in pretty much any modern computer game today.

    On screen resolution change fail - Will trigger if the change fails.

    On screen resolution change done - Opposite of when it fails, will trigger when the resolution have changed successful.

    Form controls

    Disable tab - Will exclude a form control from appearing in the tab index list so it can't get focus.

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  • Problem Description

    When an audio file is paused and the program is saved using the functionality and then loaded again using the system.load. The audio tag have been lost or something so the audio can't be resumed again.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    Two tests which are self explanatory, just press the buttons from start to bottom.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    See above.

    Observed Result

    In test 1 when the project is loaded again and the resume button is clicked the audio doesn't resume.

    In test 2 when the audio is muted first and then resumed the audio will play again after pressing the load button.

    Expected Result

    That the audio would resume after loading in test 1

    Affected Browsers

    Tested with NW.js 0.12.0

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Wouldn't it be possible to have one obstacle map with different values like this

    The ship has value 1 as obstacle and the tank value 2 and 3




    Or isn't that already possible if you use path cost ?

    ship path cost for land = positive infinity

    tank path coast for water and building = positive infinity

    but i dont know if that would be efficient or not

    It was kind of the same solution as I suggest as far as I remember except that you would be able to assign units/objects to an obstacle map like you would a layer.

    Thrust me I have tried pretty much anything to make the path finding work and your suggestion about adding different costs was also one of them.

    But its makes no different, to the units/objects there are only one map, so if you for instant have 3 different types of units, it doesn't matter which of them you add a cost to, it applies to all of them. The path finding is bullet proof when it comes to being broken it seems

  • I've been doing tutorials and reading tons of "how to's", and this "No Programming Required! You can now make advanced games without writing a line of code. Construct 2 does the hard work so you don't have to" is serious b.s..

    Never programmed before, but want to make actual games that are more than just a flappy game?

    Better know how programming works!

    Otherwise, start taking classes.

    I have wasted so much time trying to make things with Construct. Each project getting to a point of playable, but always needing more. Of course, trying to make anything substantive in this, even simple retro games, takes TONS of programming that you'll have to LEARN here.

    I think its pretty accurate when Scirra state that no programming is required. But for people that have never programmed before as you write you haven't, might be confused by this statement, because someone that have programmed before wouldn't confuse the requirement for logic with that of typing code.

    Because how would you make decisions?

    Lets say a bullet hits an enemy and what if you have different types of bullets and enemies, and each of them are affected differently depending on the type of bullet they are hit by. So regardless of which type of program you are using, whether its uses a more traditional programming approach or one like C2 or maybe something that is 100% point or click, the logic of selecting the correct bullets and enemies and make things happen the way you want it to, is still there.

    In my opinion what C2 does and does well is to move the focus from writing tons of code with all the syntaxes that's comes along with it and shift the focus from this toward the logic part.

    So instead of spending time trying to program how to load a video file into your game, you simply say "I want the program to play my intro through a video, so I can add a video object which can handle this for me". which is done through a few clicks and you don't have to worry what is going on behind the scene.

    The problem comes between finding a balance of what this video object should be capable of and not, because the more stuff you add to it, the more advanced it will also become, but not adding these features can limit its functionality, which on the other hand can be just as frustrating for advanced users.

    So to use C2 and be good at it, I think you need to be good at logic thinking and to be able to do basic math, but that is no different from any other programming language out there.

  • nimos100 - no, the bug is in the Chrome browser engine not our code, so the only fix is to update. A new NW.js version should be along soon.

    What do you mean?

    The bug is not in Chrome, meaning if I drag it there it works, so Chrome must have been fixed. However if I do the same in NWjs the bug is still there and the text falls out of the textbox or do I misunderstand what you mean or do you mean that you are not developing NWjs so you can't fix it?

  • This seems to have been fixed in Chrome now, however my program runs in NWjs v0.12.0 and the problem still exist here is it possible to get it fixed here as well?

  • Problem Description

    (This is a copy of the old post as it was in the closed section, so werent sure if you would see it there)

    Pinning textboxes while using drag drop behaviour on a sprite or 9-patch will cause the text to "fall" out of the textbox.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    Two textbox pinned to a 9-patch with drag drop

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      Drag 9-patch Observed Result Text falls out of textbox.
      Expected Result Well.... Affected Browsers
      • Chrome: (YES and NW.js)
      • FireFox: (Don't know)
      • Internet Explorer: (NO) But the textboxes are all over the place, trying to keep up with the 9-patch, but the text stays in place.

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • This is a bug in Chrome (and a pretty weird one!), not Construct 2. It works correctly in Firefox and IE11 here, as well as Chrome Canary, so it looks like Google already fixed it and it just needs to make its way down to a stable release.

    This seems to have been fixed in Chrome now, however my program runs in NWjs v0.12.0 and the problem still exist here is it possible to get it fixed here as well?