nimos100's Forum Posts

  • [quote:2ppeokc9]Was looking over the long list there it seemed like most of them were "nice-to-haves" and not really crucial. Some of them definitely nice to haves, so maybe that's why some things often are left out.

    A lot of the things are totally "nice-to-haves" I would never deny that, I would not argue that each suggestion is equally important, which I also made clear above. But this is a personal list of what is important to me when I work with C2. If you notice when looking through the list, there is not a single suggestion aimed at adding further support for additional mobile phones. I don't make anything for mobiles so its of no importance to me. Others might find this very important and will complain and request certain things for these devices. But for me its not important. And in general these suggestions was never meant to be huge ground breaking requests, there are a few in there, but weren't the main idea behind the post in the first place.

    There's too much here to be able to comment on everything. I'd recommend going to the new feature request system. Many of these I have never heard of from other users, so they sound more like personal requests - which isn't to say it's not important, it's just with our finite resources we try to focus on what lots of people are asking for. The list is also diluted with some things which are pretty trivial, like I don't see any purpose in adding a "random boolean" action, that's easily done with events.

    There is a lot of things in the list and I saw the new feature request system, which looks very cool

    But as mentioned above a lot of these are personal requests and are minor things that have annoyed me while working with C2. This is from the original post of why I made these suggestions in the first place:

    This post is not aimed towards a single object type, but just in general when using different objects, it gets a bit frustrating that some things are missing which should be there in my opinion. As these are "minor" things you tend to forget them, so ill add them here as I find them and hopefully they will be added at some point.

    And you could say that a lot of these things are pretty trivial things that can be solved in other ways, but by reading the above, its exactly what these suggestions are meant to improve. So its not because that the random Boolean can't be done, but it would be nice if it were there, instead of having to solve it using a integer for instant, is it absolutely needed? Of course not. But you could say that about a lot of things when it comes to workflow in C2.

    For instant that you can't delete more than one variable from an object at the time, so there is no need to change that since you can still delete them one at the time, but its annoying, why these trivial things that you call them, are not added in C2 as well, I guess I could argue .

    No need to make it possible to move several objects in the object list as long as you can move them one at the time.

    So its not about whether its ground breaking new features, but small things that can be frustrating when you work. Certain data you cant get in an easy way, but instead have to make some annoying workarounds and so forth.

    So if people think the main idea behind a lot of these suggestions are stuff like C3 should support 3D and so forth, its nothing like that, its to improve the workflow and reduce frustrations and annoyances when working, simply to speed up work. And as mentioned, its aimed towards all these small things that you run into but tend to forget not being there or that you never get around to make a suggestion post for.

  • Your concerns and pessimism are absolutely fair. I do have a pretty simple explanation that may ease your mind though.

    Simply put - rewriting the runtime will take a lot of time and effort. Scirra feels like they have created something that is worth money to some people, and hopefully will finance this effort. After all they have been supporting C2 for years and years now. As a company, they also need income to operate and continue working.

    So the alternative is wait and release C3 after a new runtime is complete which may come way later, or release what they have now and give users the OPTION of subscribing now or later.

    They have been very responsive about engaging the community and clearly documenting their plans and thought process - to an absurd standard even. So I do have high faith that the new runtime will come eventually, as long as they don't shut down.

    For any developer, it really comes down to opportunity cost and prioritizing what features to develop given the limited resource of development time - for example, do you want them to work on backgrounds for text that third party addons have already addressed, or do you want them to work on the underlying runtime which would open up a whole new realm of possibilities?

    Don't get me wrong, Scirra are in general very good at communication with their users and for that they really get huge thumbs up from me.

    However regarding:

    [quote:2awcby2u]for example, do you want them to work on backgrounds for text that third party addons have already addressed, or do you want them to work on the underlying runtime which would open up a whole new realm of possibilities?

    First of all im not really sure what this new runtime offer in terms of possibilities, if it allows third party developers to add a lot of new cool plugins, that's amazing.

    I do however not feel that adding a lot of these "standard" features would be very demanding compared to the extra functionality it would give. And my guess is, for the majority of these missing "Get/Sets" its not because they are especially difficult to make, but simply that they were forgotten when the feature were added, maybe due to some organisation issues of simply not working with a philosophy of if you can Set something you should also be able to get it. But maybe im wrong and these are deliberate decisions that certain data should simply not be possible to receive, I honestly don't know. But if that is case, I would very much disagree to such decisions as its very frustrating for a user to not being able to fully use all features of such functionalities. But instead having to make workarounds that can be extremely time consuming.

  • While I didn't read through each item in detail, my understanding is that if the runtime is updated, a lot of not possible becomes possible.<br abp="701"><br abp="702">With the caveats that if and when are in the air, and possible doesn't mean probable. Basically I wouldn't hold my breath for anything. Work with what you have or get what you need with alternative software.

    [quote:gndn71ny]As stated in a former post im not a fan of working in a browser, however I think C3 does a decent job there, its not as bad as I thought, everything seems a bit more cramped, as you now have the browser navigation panel in the top as well, which causes you to loose a bit of screen space.

    This was my biggest concern with C3, but you can solve it beautifully:

    Go to the editor page in Chrome > click options button on top right of browser (under close x button) > More Tools > Add to Desktop... > *important!* check "Open as Window".

    Now behold: C3 is just like any other app . It's great (no browser UI).

    [quote:gndn71ny]Path finding that haven't been fixed from what i can see.

    Sounds good and needed with a new runtime if It allows for a lot of new things and I will to some degree accept that, especially when it comes to the path finding and maybe the unload image feature (Which might never been there, new runtime or not ).

    However I still think and feel that my concerns are not completely unfounded and I wont bash C3 based on that, I do acknowledge that it is in beta, so obviously its not the final release. But when that is said, I do still feel when going through the program and testing all these issues listed above, that the majority of these things are none runtime related, yet they are no where to be found in the program. That you for instant can't set the background color of a text object, which can be done in C2 with 3 party plugins, cant be done in the current beta of C3, it doesn't require a new runtime.

    Also all these missing "Set/Get" functionalities that are missing in C2, are for whatever reason also missing in the current C3 beta and will suddenly appear at some point. And without sounding to pessimistic, Im not really sure I buy that. I find it much more plausible that its because these features are simply not there currently and might never be there. It would make no sense not to have added them when launching the free beta to show off how many more possibilities there is with C3 compared to C2 and to be honest that concerns me a little.

  • Hi all

    Have been very excited about trying out C3 as a lot of others might have been. Since im a long time user of C2 and through the years have experienced my share of problems, bugs and general things I would have liked to see improved in C2, these will make the case for which I will judge C3 against.

    Its important to make clear that these are my own personal things that I find crucial in regards to C3 and therefore might not be equally shared amongst others as being relevant or of any importance. But these will be heavily deciding factors for why or why not I would consider buying C3. Now some tests weren't possible as the Demo didn't allow it and I will make that clear.

    For some time ago, I started a thread in the general section with ideas and suggestions of how to improve C2, since I have kept adding stuff to this thread as well as other people, I will use these as my check list, I haven't checked anyone else suggestions in that thread, so those I test against are those added by me.

    All the original suggestions will be written in black and red will be used for things not working or that ain't possible, and green for those that have been added, orange will be used for those that I weren't able to test as the demo didn't allow it. (This will be a rather long post)

    In the end you will find my first impression of C3.



    Frame rate - Would be great if you could get the frame rate of the video.

    Not possible

    Number of frames - Self explanatory, but the number of frames in the video.

    Not possible

    Format - there are other ways to get this, but would be handy if you could just get the format through a variable (Less important).

    Not possible

    Check vs Frame rate / Playbacktime - For some reason there are no way to check vs this.

    Not possible

    Play at FPS - Play a video at a certain fps, so you can make slow motion and fast forward.

    Not possible

    File chooser

    Path - There are no way to get the path to a file on local disk. Which is strange since you can get the filename.

    Not possible


    Filename - Opposite the File chooser object you can get the path including the filename, but there are no way as far as I can see that you can get just the filename.

    Uncertain as I can't get any of the NWjs functionality to work.


    Add frame - Add a blank frame to a sprite

    Not possible

    Delete frame - Delete frame at index

    Not possible

    Insert frame - Insert frame at index

    Not possible

    Replace frame - Replace frame at index

    Not possible

    Fill frame - Fill frame with a certain color at index

    Not possible

    Erase frame - Erase frame at index

    Not possible


    Missing expression checks - Even though you can check whether a video object is in a current state such as muted, paused etc as an event. These options seems to not be available as expressions in the video section. If you use a "Compare two variables" it would make sense that these were also there, since its actually possible to check vs them as events. At the moment only 3 are available (Duration, PlaybackTime, Volume) so if (Has ended, Is muted, Is paused, Is playing) were there as well it would be nice.

    Not possible

    Source - Would be nice if you could get the source. Both filename and path to the file. And if there are no source it could just return -1

    Not possible

    NWjs & Video & File chooser

    Syntax consistency - Depending on what functionality you are using, there seem to be different syntax for how you work with files, which is really annoying to say the least. For instant using the NWjs.Userfolder will return the following: "\User\<Name>\"

    However setting the source for a video require the exact path "C:\Movie.webm". Which you can get using the open dialog in NWjs, but that require user interaction. Since there are no functionality that allow you to get just the drive letter, filename, or just the path to a location makes working with files a living hell to say the least, and this changes completely depending on what functionality you use.

    It is suggested in the C2 manual that you should use the User folder due to permissions, so it would make sense if all the file interactions also worked in a consisting manner, so you don't have to create a different workaround for each function depending on which one you use. Being able to get the drive letter of where a folder or file exist would be very useful. Basically just divided, into the separate parts that follows what you would expect when working with files on a computer. (Drive, folder, File).

    Not possible

    NWjs & Debugger

    Incompatible - While running your project in debug mode its not possible to open any NWjs dialog boxes. Might be considered a bug, but regardless, it would be nice if the debugger and NWjs were compatible.

    Uncertain as Nwjs doesnt seem to work


    Expanding triggers - Would be very useful I think if the following triggers could be added to NWjs.

    On file being copied - Trigger when a file is currently being copied. Would be useful for making copy file progress bars.

    Not possible

    On file copied - Trigger when a file have completed being copied.

    Not possible

    On file deleted - Trigger after a file have been erased.

    Not possible

    On file moved - Trigger after a file have been moved.

    Not possible

    On file being moved - Same as "On file being copied" would be handy for progress bars.

    Not possible

    C2 General

    On exit program - Would trigger when your program is closing. Could be used for saving progress etc.

    Not possible


    Delete folder - For some reason its possible to delete a file, but not a folder. So would be nice If that was possible as well.

    Not possible


    On folder dialog Cancel - Inverse version of "On folder dialog OK"

    Working, but was already fixed in C2

    On dialog Cancel - Inverse version of "On dialog OK"

    Working, but was already fixed in C2

    On save dialog Cancel - Inverse version of "On save dialog OK"

    Working, but was already fixed in C2


    Get layer background color - Possible to get the RGB values of a layer"

    In general it would be nice if all things in C2 was made in a way, that if you can set a value then you can also get it.

    Not possible and it doesnt seem that C3 improves any when it comes to setting or getting variables, its pretty much what you have in C2 some you can and some for whatever reason is unavailable.

    Path finding

    Change nodes - Possible to change individual node locations when a path have been found, so its possible to manipulate the path before an object moves along it.

    Not possible


    Tag property - Possibility to get the tag of an audio file when its playing, ended etc.

    Not possible

    Any tag ended - Trigger when any audio tag is ended.

    Not possible

    Form controls

    Tab index - Using form controls (Textbox, Buttons, etc) there seem to be no way to set/change the tab index to navigate them. Would be nice if you could specify it in the properties panel.

    Not possible

    Text objects

    Auto size - Would be useful if you could turn on auto size for text objects. So they would automatically adjust to the size of the written text.

    Not possible

    Change text align during runtime - For some reason its not possible to change this, even though it can be done in design mode.

    Not possible

    Use background - Make it possible to add a background to an text object and change it color and opacity. There is a plugin capable of doing that, so thought it would be a good idea to just add to the default one.

    Not possible


    Enable/Disable Objects - Should apply to all objects.

    An option to enable or disable any object in the properties window and through an action. Object that are disabled would appear as if they were destroyed, without actually being so. The benefit of having an option like this would be to quickly disable and enable objects that you would otherwise have to move off screen. Would be useful for stuff like HUDs or sprites where visibility for instant have been turned off, but are still reacting to mouse inputs like "Mouse over effects" and so forth. And so you would avoid having to reposition objects all the time etc.

    Not possible

    DragDrop behaviour

    Axes angle constrain

    The option to choose to constrain the axes to the angle of the object using the dragdrop behaviour. At the moment if you have a sprite and you apply the dragdrop behaviour and want it to only allow dragging along the length of the sprite you can change it to horizontal. But the moment you change the angle of the sprite the constrain doesn't follow along. So being able to change the axes constrain so it always follow the angle of the parent would be very useful.

    Not possible

    Form objects

    On focus - When a form control gets focus this will trigger true.

    Not possible

    On focus lost - When a form control looses focus this will trigger true.

    Not possible

    Has focus - When a form control has focus this will trigger true.

    Not possible

    This is inspired by a 3rd party plugin capable of doing this, so thought it would be good to add so its part of the standard form controls, since its possible.

    Collision object

    This is not a functionality in C2, so its more of a suggestion.

    The idea is to be able to add an empty invisible collision object instead of having to use sprites, which is the normal way of doing it now as far as I know. But doing this uses a lot of memory for no good reason. So what this object would do, is to make it possible to specify an area kind of the same way you would set up a collision mesh on a sprite, but this would be done in the layout, instead of in the graphic editor. The object would work in the same way as a sprite would when it comes to collision detection, but wouldn't be able to hold any form of graphical information, thereby making it possible to use more complicated collision solutions that wouldn't eat up memory for storing empty sprites.

    So basically the object simply keep track of a collision mesh, maybe with the ability to manipulate it at runtime and whatever other functionality could be found useful.

    Not possible

    Rotate objects

    The general idea is to extend the rotation of objects. As it is now they rotate around there origin. So adding two new options could be very useful, I think.

    Rotate around imagepoint - Instead of rotating around origin, you can choose whatever imagepoint on the object you like and it will rotate around that point. (Could maybe just replace the normal one, as it does exactly the same. And the origin could just be set by default.)

    Not possible

    Rotate around position - Same as above except you can specify a X,Y position and the rotation will happen around this point.

    Not possible

    Screen resolution

    A way to get more control over the resolution when the "Fullscreen in browser" settings doesn't cut it.

    Get screen resolution - The ability to get the screen resolution set in windows/OSX.

    Not possible

    Set screen resolution - The functionality to change screen resolution to suit what you need. Like you can in pretty much any modern computer game today.

    Not possible

    On screen resolution change fail - Will trigger if the change fails.

    Not possible

    On screen resolution change done - Opposite of when it fails, will trigger when the resolution have changed successful.

    Not possible

    Form controls

    Disable tab - Will exclude a form control from appearing in the tab index list so it can't get focus.

    Not possible

    Delete object warning

    This is an improvement or extension to the warning that you get when you want to remove an object from your project. Normally when you do this you get a warning telling you that it will remove all actions, conditions and expressions related to the object. Which is really nice, however when you are working on big projects and you might not recall all the places where this object might have been used etc. The removal can cause some serious problems if you are not careful and normally, at least for me I keep an eye on the number of event in the status bar to see if it changes when I remove an object and if it does I can undo and then check through the project to make sure that it wont cause problems before I do it.

    What would be nice and since C2 already have to go through the project deleting the actions, conditions etc. when you press yes. Would be if it in the warning message wrote how many actions, conditions, expressions it would delete, so you would know what impact it would have.

    I can't imagine that being a difficult thing as it already "scan" the program when removing it. So it could just "scan" and count the elements without deleting them before pressing yes.

    Just a small extension that I think would be handy.

    Not possible

    Support for multiple aspect ratios

    The fullscreen in browser settings are really nice when you want your game to support several resolutions. However a huge limitation occur when you want to support multiple aspect ratios.

    For instant the most common used ratios are 16:9 (1680x1050) and 16:10 (1920x1080), however there are no way, as far as I can see that you can make your program support both of these correctly when using "Request fullscreen in browser". And regardless of which method you use (Scale outer or letterbox scale) you are left with black bars either in the top and bottom using letterbox scale or only bottom using Scale outer. Since C2 can already support a single aspect ratio, extending this to be able to support multiple ratios would be a huge improvement I think.

    As an extension to the former suggestions regarding "Screen resolution", it would be nice with the following.

    Get system aspect ratio - Would return the aspect ratio of the system.

    Not possible

    Extend the fullscreen browser methods - The ability to tell C2 to target specific aspect ratios, so instead of just "letterbox scale" it would be "letterbox scale - (16:10)", "letterbox scale - (16:9)" and so forth. These methods should also be available in the browser object when requesting fullscreen mode.

    Not possible

    Bound to layout behaviour update

    The bound to layout is a quick way to keep objects within boundary limits. However this behaviour runs into problems if objects that fits the layout are suddenly rotated. In this case the object will start flickering as it tries to stay within the layout. So a minor update to this behaviour could fix it.

    Not possible

    Fit to layout - When this is turned on, an object will automatically scale to fit the layout in case it becomes to big.

    Not possible

    Timer behaviour

    Adding a few extensions to this behaviour would make it more complete and easier to work with.

    Stop all - Would allow you to stop all timers running for an object, regardless of the tag.

    Not possible

    Pause timer - Would allow you to pause a timer using its tag.

    Not possible

    Pause all - Same as above but would just pause all timers regardless of tag.

    Not possible

    Resume timer - Would allow you to resume a paused timer using its tag.

    Not possible

    Resume all - Would resume all paused timers for the object.

    Not possible

    Textbox form control

    Some of the 3rd party textbox plugins have a select all functionality, so thought it would be handy to integrate that as a standard functionality to the textbox object together with a deselect all.

    Select all - Select all text in a textbox

    Not possible

    Deselect all - Deselect all text in a textbox

    Not possible

    NW.js dialog tags

    When using NW.js "Show folder dialog", "Show open dialog", "Show save dialog" and afterwards the triggers "On folder dialog OK", "On open dialog OK", "On save dialog OK" it would be very useful I think if it were possible to set a tag for these as you can with audio.

    As it is now there are no build in functionality to specify which "On ... Ok" will trigger if you use several of them. You can and have to do this using manual variables, but would be handy to simply make it a standard option in the NW.js functionality, I think.

    Not possible

    Quick navigating functions

    This was an old suggestion made, that I still believe would be one of the most useful features in C2. So ill add it here for that reason.

    The ability to Ctrl + Click (or whatever hotkey is useful) a function call to quickly jump to the where the function is declared.

    Not possible

    Reset object variables

    The ability to reset an object variables to their default values. Would be very helpful when working with for instant sprites that contain a lot of temporary variables for tracking things, state machines and so forth. Rather than having to do this per variable.

    Reset variables - Will reset all variables added to an object to the value they were by default.

    Not possible

    Smart family

    This is not a feature in C2 so should be considered a feature suggestion maybe for C3.

    This is basically a normal family, except that it will allow any combination of object to be part of it. An issue with the normal families is if you have features in your program that need to be the same for varies types of object then there are no other way than to duplicate code for each type.

    How the smart family would work is to check for similarities between the objects added to the family and only those which are shared by family members would be available. Since for instant UID is available for all objects, it could be used, whereas something like "Angle" might not be, and therefore it won't be available.

    Uncertain as families are not available in the free edition

    Delete several local object variables at the same time

    Currently you are only able to delete one variable added to an object at the time, would be handy if you could select several of them and delete them in one go.

    Not possible

    Move several objects

    I know this have been suggested a lot of times before, but ill add here as well.

    The ability to select and move several objects at once in the projects window.

    Uncertain as you cant create folders in the free edition. But you can select several objects in the list so assume it works.

    Automatic update of function calls

    Currently when you have defined a function and later on might realize that you should have called it something else, you have to manually go through the code to find all the places where you call this function from. Would be useful if C2 could automatically do this as it does with any other object when you change their name.

    Not possible

    Auto/manual sorting of the list object

    Would be nice if there were a property for making a list auto sort or to manually do it. This could be either a property you could turn on for the list it self in the properties panel or as an action that you could call in your code.


    Sort list - Would sort the list using a basic sorting method. So "a" would be before "b" and numbers would be before letters etc. Could be expanded so you would be able to use tokenat to customize which parameter of an entry text should be used for the sorting method.

    Not possible

    Is between value picking

    This is just a minor thing, but it would make sense if the "system -> Is between values" were also available as a picking condition for objects.

    Since you can pick objects based on variable values, it would be nice if this were also a possibility without having to use other picking conditions.

    Not possible

    Random setting of Boolean

    Yet a minor addition that would be handy I think. At the moment you have the ability to Set a Boolean variable to either True, False. But in cases where it should be random, its easier to use an integer. So adding a new action could solve this.


    Random Boolean - Would set the Boolean to either true or false.

    Not possible

    Tilemap Set/Get rotation state

    You can set the desired rotation state of tiles in a tilemap. However there is from what I can see no way to receive this rotation.

    This causes problems when you switch one tile with another and want to keep the rotation of the original tile.

    So a nice addition would be to get maybe a numeric value indicating which rotational state a tile is in. Could be a 0 based index, that way it would make it easier to set a new state for a tile during runtime.


    Get tile state - Returns an index telling which state is currently active.

    Not possible

    Set tile state - The ability to pass an index to a tile at a given tile position and tell it to change state.

    Not possible

    On variable changed trigger

    This is just a suggestion of a feature that I think might be pretty handy.

    At the moment you can check a variable against varies values by manually adding these. However think it would be very useful if you had the possibility to create an event condition that would trigger whenever a specific variable changes.

    It could work with both global and object variables so when you add the trigger, you get a drop down list where you can select which variable you want the event to monitor for changes.


    On variable changed - Trigger whenever the chosen variable changes value.

    Not possible


    Last and not least.

    Path finding

    This have not been working correctly for a long time in C2, so I was very interested in testing that out to see if it have been fixed. And to my big surprise it seems to have been made exactly the same way as in C2 and still only uses one collision map, which means its no better than before.

    Is this really the case, you redesign C2 to make it better, well aware that this feature is not working correctly, but you implement it the same way regardless, would it be possible to get an explanation why that is the case or whether you plan on fixing it or what exactly is going on, because it makes very little sense, at least to me?

    My first impression of C3

    Having tried C3 and testing all these things out and I know its just a Beta still, I have to say that at least for me personally, I find no reason to why I would like to buy it over C2 in its current state.

    As stated in a former post im not a fan of working in a browser, however I think C3 does a decent job there, its not as bad as I thought, everything seems a bit more cramped, as you now have the browser navigation panel in the top as well, which causes you to loose a bit of screen space. However that is not crucial in itself, if that were the only problem. However quickly having scrolled through my list above, none of the issues seems to have been improved and again I want to underline that this is my personal view!! and even to me there is a difference in how important I find the above suggestions.

    So to me some of the crucial ones:

    Path finding that haven't been fixed from what i can see

    This alone is enough for me to completely write off C3 as a whole, there are no excuse that i can come up with that would justify why I would get C3 anyway. This is a known problem by Scirra and have been a long time, even before C3 was announced as far as I remember.

    If you can Set something you should be able to get it

    Again absolutely crucial, its so annoying that you can manipulate and set some variables and state of things, but no way to test or receive them again. This as well is enough for me to not wanting to invest in C3.

    Delete image from memory

    I haven't actually added this above, but the lack of functionality to manually delete an image from memory is the last crucial thing for me. That this possibility shouldn't be there to save on bandwidth is just not a good enough excuse. Its a fair point, but this should be decided by the developer of the game and not Scirra in my opinion.

    So adding everything together, my first impression of C3 is that its C2 in a browser, very few features that I personally would consider important seem to have been added and when i say important, I refer to workflow, C3 doesn't seem to offer anything in regards of reducing the amount of workarounds that you have to do in C2 to make certain things work. The lack of very basic functionality, like changing alignment of text during runtime are still missing which are features that have been available through 3 party plugins for a very long time, why isn't stuff like that added by default in C3, all these things put together it just make me wonder, what is the purpose of C3, what does it actually offer? Maybe these things will be added in time. Who knows, but at this very moment C3 have nothing to offer me over C2.

    Now is this a rant, because they seem to have added none of my suggestions in that post?

    I still love C2 and working with it and if C3 had been C2 I would have loved that, except that it ran in a browser. But I can still make stuff in C2 and good stuff, so the above might as well be seen as me having a go at C2, my problem is that the difference between these two in terms of features that are important to me, are close to none existing, which will cause me to rant a bit. Not because they didn't add any of my suggestions, but because as any long time user of this forum knows there have been a trillion suggestions to C2, some more advanced than others, but yet even the most basic suggestions from above, which might not even have been suggested by me in the first place, since I just decided to add all mine in a single post as I noticed them, seems to have made it into C3. I would understand huge and really demanding features, that it would be a lot of work adding them all, but a lot of those above isn't, they are basic functionalities that you would expect in any such program in my opinion. When you work with text and you can change alignment during development and 3 party plugin developers have already done it so you can change it during runtime, then this is what you would expect to be the new standard for a new version of construct, but it just isn't. Everything under the hood seem to be C2 in a browser and that is what disappoint me.

  • I think it's a bit too soon to post a topic like this, while Scirra is still revealing new and new C3 features. But just to mention some of the features that makes it worth to consider C3:

    - Scirra's own cloud APK exporter.

    - New features in the editor to make the development process faster and more comfortable.

    - Completely redesignable and translatable editor.

    - New plugin manager with the future promise of editor plugins.

    - Built in web-font support.

    - Etc..

    The browser based editor can have several advantages, and I don't think that Scirra would go for it if they weren't absolutely sure about that it will work great.

    The subscription is one of the main topics in the C3 forum section, but to cut it short: No one-off payments. And I think it's better that way (but that's just my opinion).

    Don't get me wrong, they have already presented new features in C3 from what I can see and im sure more will follow. What im interested in is why a browser based editor is better than one that is not. What benefits does it give, I don't think its to early to ask such question, because it must have been something they decided or saw some benefits/advances in doing quite early, when they started to develop C3. Keep in mind as I stated in my OP post im not a fan of browser based apps in general, so im just curious about potential benefits of such solution compared to a "normal" program.

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  • Was reading the C3 announcement and congratulation with it almost being done

    Anyway as I was reading it you write the following in the beginning:

    [quote:dwgza59q]We aim to redefine what is possible with the web. So we built the Construct 3 editor itself for the browser.

    Construct 3 works in Chrome on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS. There's nothing to install — it's as simple as visiting a website. There are too many new features to list here,

    Personally Im not a fan of working in browsers and only use NWjs in C2 for previewing, so im probably not as excited as you are or as many other users might be. I like working in programs especially designed for a specific purpose, which might very well be the case for C3, but for me, it just feels right with a program you start and do your work in etc. Anyway what I would like to know, if you can elaborate, what are the benefits of what you write above in the announcement for me(us) as user? You give the impression that its something new and exciting, but you don't really share what we as users should be so excited about, for now having to use a browser rather than an installed application?

    I read some other users concerned with doing this as 3rd party problems could affect things. In C2 we have and still experience problems with our creations due to browser issues that was outside your domain to fix. But having it affect our creations is one thing. But wont you run the risk of it suddenly adding problems or limitations which could affect the editor it self?

    As many others (I think) Im not fan of the subscription payment method, but do understand why you would prefer doing it that way, but again for me I like programs and once you have bought them they are yours, subscriptions always feels like im leasing something without owning it and I don't like that in general. So was wondering if you plan on making an one time buy offline version? (I know C3 works offline) but a version that doesn't work online in the browser but one that works simply like C2 does now and where you pay a one time price?

    Anyway looking forward to trying the beta.

  • Hi is it possible to have an event play during an audio clip, I have a voice actor speak in my game and would like an events to happen when certain words are said?

    Something like this

    When audio (name) is playing 30 seconds - play event - eg

    You can add a Timer behaviour and start it when you play the audio file, then just set it to non repeating and 30 s. I don't think you can do it the way you suggested, but might be wrong.

  • Hey guys! Can you help me please with this issue?

    I have a text, so i want "on text changed" to use 1 special character only. For example:

    In this example i want to add only 1 "." character, I don't want to have this results:
    etc etc[/code:dsrnugbx]
    Can i? Thank you!!!

    Not sure if this is what you are asking about, but you can combine text the way you want, that being numbers/text.

    Nr1 = 29

    Nr2 = 99

    Text1.Text = "$" & Nr1 & "." & Nr2

  • Hi!

    I'm struggling with this: I'm creating a game where we use drag and drop to put commands in order, then, we read the commands and execute them, making the player move forward, backward and jump , for example.

    I tried using a while loop and a 'simulate control' to the right, simulating that I was pressing the button, when I read the 'command' "move right" but it doesn't work! The game just stop working and the player don't even move.

    Do you know any way to solve this?


    The moment you mention "While loop" and game stops working, its most likely because it goes into an endless loop . So my advice is to double check that the while is actually working correctly.

  • I'm passing object UID's to these functions, which is probably bad practice. But they're global objects created on startup and their UID's never change. So it should be okay.

    Here are some tips you might find helpful when trying to pin point problems.

    What you can do is to create a log and use that to track what is going on more closely in the code. Just make a List and call it List_Log or whatever you prefer. Change it from dropdown list to a listbox in the properties menu, then you can use the additem varies places where you think things might go wrong.

    Also there is nothing wrong in passing UID to a function, in fact its very good to do so, because they are unique. Not that there is anything wrong in your picking. But what you can do that might simplify your picking, is to do what I have done above. The red area in my example does exactly the same as in yours. However you don't have to use local variables etc. anyway just a tip.

  • Again. According your comments, this should be totally not possible. ... .capx?dl=0

    Yet, i have 8 instances of the same objects & 1 extra object with differed obstacle maps, finding a legit path.

    They, again, just wait for the obstacle map to be build.

    (not that i like the paths at all)

    Im not sure what this example is showing in regards to the obstacle map issue in C2?

    If this weren't directed at me but the OP, you can just ignore this comment.

  • Uuhhh nope. I do need to recalculate the maps. Because, you obvious did not notice, right/left click is changing the tilemap. And there for the obstacle map.

    Again, it just waits till the obstacle map is ready before initiating a 'find path'.

    (although i have to admit that i cheated on the concept: hard to press right/left click on the same time)

    Fair enough you have to use the regenerate obstacle map if you make changes to the map for whatever reason. But I assumed that you only changed the tilemaps to mark where the player clicked as you used fixed the targets for the sprites to path find to anyway. But its not really important regarding the obstacle maps and how they work I think.

  • nimos100

    Explain 2 me why the capx that i posted in the topic that you linked to is working flawless.


    Its actually quite interesting because at first glance your CAPX seems to work fine, and it took me a while to figure out why, because even if I copy/pasted yours, mine still weren't working. But looking further into it, it turns out that it have nothing to do with how you programmed it. You don't need all the regenerate obstacle map, global variables or trigger once, you could have made it straight up like this:

    On mouse left click -> A.findPath

    On path found -> A.movealongpath

    etc. etc.

    For some strange reason it seems that the cell size of the objects is very important, much more than I thought. Because the reason yours works or appears to work, which of course it does to some degree, is because the obstacle map is linked to the cell size of the sprite. You can test this very simply by changing the Cell size of object A to be the same as B (32). When you move A it will work correctly, however when you move object B it will ignore the obstacle map that you told it to and start using object A instead, which seems illogic why it should do that, but interesting and good to know non the less.

    So your example might actually have help me at least, to find a semi acceptable workaround for the path finding, because you might be able to get at least somewhat unique path finding simply by using different cell sizes to simulate different types of object, lets say a (Ship or Car). So you could give the Ship a cell size of 32 and the Cars a cell size of 31 and in theory from what I can see it should work, but whether that will give a lot of bugs later on with weird movement etc. I don't really know, but definitely worth testing out at some point in a serious game.

  • You're right but I think I might've found a fix? You suggested it was limitation of C2 which seems feasible but I tried a different pathfinding behaviour for each object now (different names) and it appears to be creating two different object maps and working. Have you tried this before? May be an acceptable workaround.

    I believe i have tried about anything I can think of to make a workaround for it, but weren't able to do it. From the tests I did it seems to not matter what you do, there is one obstacle map and all objects using path finding will share it. However it have been some time since I have looked at it as I assume it haven't been fixed based on Ashley explanation of how it is designed. But feel free to add a Capx as I would like to see if you might have tricked it somehow

  • I'm having an issue where I have two objects which I should add were cloned from each other originally. One, object, 'civilian', on created has a 'tile' pathfinding obstacle added. For some reason, the other separate object, 'pawn', is affected by this. When a civilian is created, the pawn suddenly starts detecting the 'tile' as an obstacle as well. Obviously this could be difficult to determine without any events shared but has anyone come across this before where they found a reason behind it?

    My guess is that you are experiencing what is discussed in this thread: