Nimmermehr7's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • EliasGames: That's a nice idea and I already thought about this. But even when I just can get the "good" items online, I have to save them on my device to make them accessible offline.

  • I just don't want people to manipulate data offline and then play against other people online. Since there is PVP in my game, this wouldnt be fair for my other customers. (And probably my honest, paying customers will stop playing).

    Even when I use Hash technology the user will have access to it and would be able to decrypt the data

    But thanks for all your answers and ideas!

  • Hi!

    I'm desperately searching for a way to store sensitive data on mobile devices. Since the local storage could be manipulated by the user, this is no option for me.

    Of course I could save the data on a server, but I want some parts of my game be player offline as well.

    Are there any suggestions, ways how data could be saved on my device securely?

    No matter if implemented or not to construct, if there's a technique I'll find a way to write a plugin.

  • Hey guys!

    I'm currently working on a huge project and I want to make sure to have a nice performance.

    In my game there are a lot of Enemies who are animated.

    Know I'm wondering which way is more performant:

    • I could add all enemies to one sprite and give each enemy an own Animation. I could pick the enemies by calling the Animation name of the enemy.
    • I could create a lot of different sprites with only one Animation. I'd put all enemies in a family and pick / create them with the Nickname Plugin.

    There are a lot of Enemies at the same time on the screen.

    Please give me your thoughts! Thanks!

  • Now it's working! Perfect, thanks a lot!

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  • Thanks for your efforts but it's not working properly for me :(

    Indeed I can access the variable in the whole group but it resets every time I call an event of the group.

  • Hm when I try this it always stucks to the first event of the group.

  • Hi,

    I'd like to make a suggestion or maybe there is even already a solution for my problem.

    Since I'm working on a huge project I use a lot of global variables. I try to use as many local variables as possible, but I just need most of them in different events.

    It would be just awesome if there is a possibility to define instance variables for Layers or local variables for Groups.

  • Hi,

    like the title says I'm trying to "unpick" the instance of an object.

    For example:

    I have an "on-Click" event on an object. C2 picks now the clicked instance of the object. But within the Event I want to do actions with other instances from the same object.

    For Each is working as well as calling a function to solve this problem. But I'm looking for a better way to solve this problem.

  • Are you serious?

    You release an alleged stable version, which doesn't support my old version if I used a part of construct2, which simply doesn't exist anymore.

    Afterwards you want us to mail our intern, sensitive data for you to check it.

    Honestly, if I would do this with my costumers, I would be fired in less than one day.

  • Hey guys,

    I'm one of the collegues of Camula. I think posting a capx file doesn't make any sense. Since we are working on a very huge, complicated project it's impossible to spot a certain mistake.

    I actually think it's not a particular part of construct, which leads to the crash. Sometimes it's even crashing without me doing anything. Yesterday for example I was checking my mails and it crashed.

    Even other collegues in our company are using construct 2 and are working on completely different projects, which don't have anything in common with our project. And they have the same problem.

    And yes, we update our graphic drivers regurlarly.

    I think an improved Backup feature would help us a lot. At the moment c2 just creates a backup file if you save the project. Sometimes I just forget to do this (mea culpa!). Therefore I lost 4 hours of work last week (we all know how frustrating this could be).

  • Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a fancy 9Patch Object of your choice

    2. Set Fullscreen in Browser to "Letterbox scale"

    3. Run the project

    Observed result:

    There is one pixel space between the edge and the complete filling. The missing pixels seems to appear at the border of the image.

    Expected result:

    No space between the edge and the filling.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: yes

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack:

    Win 7 Professional SP 1

    Construct 2 version:

    r122 (but also tested with stable version 119)

  • Hey,

    I'm pretty new to Construct 2 and I'm wondering if it's possible to change a behaviour of an object inside a plugin.

    Example: I want to pin a whole family to a certain objects ImagePoints via a plugin.

    If possible it would be great to see an example.

    Thank you!

  • 13 posts