Why don't you use arrays? Are you very afraid of it? Are you afraid of arrays just as I am afraid of Jigglypuff?
Sword swing, you say. It's pretty obvious it rotates, yeah. So either use the stupid rotate behavior for noobs or make them rotate in code. Rotate behavior is easier, but doing it by events is more oldschool. Also, the Terraria sword has an image point at the bottom of the hilt of the sword. And, it sets the position of that image point to the same position where the player's hand is every tick. Or, you can make it move to the player's ****** if you are pervertic/afraid of hands. I mean, being afraid of HANDS make AS MUCH SEENSSSS as BEING AFFRAID OF ARRAAAYYYSYSSSSSSSS!!YSYSYSSS. why *** why ***
I'm just curious here, would pinning the pen.. eh, sword to player's hand work? Btw I am scared of Jigglypuff a little as well.