Just a quick update with things I've tried.....
This Javascript should work (thank you Google) but no luck yet, it still minimizes the app when the hardware back button is pressed. I've added a reference to Windows Mobile Extensions to the Visual studio project as well.
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var hardwareButtons = Windows.Phone.UI.Input.HardwareButtons;
hardwareButtons.addEventListener("backpressed", function (e) {
e.handled = true; // Notifies OS that you've handled the back button event.
//Trigger an escape key press, I'm looking for this in Construct2 to trigger a back navigation
var f = $.Event('keypress');
f.which = 27; // Escape
Then in Construct2 I have an array that I use as a stack to store all the pages I visit, when escape is pressed I pop the last page off the stack and navigate to it.
But still no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions?
This functionality of the back button means that no Construct2 Apps will be able to pass certification for the Windows store now which is not good.