newt's Forum Posts

  • [quote:1ehw7pkq]I have tried it, but it doesn't in my example :

    Actually, you don't even need a for each here, just use "Always" instead.

    You will need to add an event to change its z to "place behind object" since the shadow was added to the layout after the shadow caster.

  • Don't forget there's always Python.


    Not sure what you need to do to "clean up" your images, but I'd be willing to bet its doable in Gimp.

  • Xaudio2 is set up into two different categories, sound, and music.

    Wav files while large in size on disk, remain about the same size when loaded into memory, thus making them comparatively easy to load and unload. This is why they are the only file type considered as sound, or usable as a sound fx.

    Ogg while much smaller on disk than wavs can take up much more memory, and is only set up as music for this reason.

    As I understand it XAudio2 is finished, with no other plans to change anything, I will add that since this is an open source project anybody is free to make up a plug that plays ogg's as a sound fx. I just pity anyone who tries to load a bunch of songs that way.

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  • I really like that style. Not to mention (for Construct) it would be way less resource intensive.

    Plus it works quite well for bones, and all the cool stuff we can do with distort maps.

  • Sorry no there is no specific function to do that, but fortunately Construct allows you to create just about any condition you can think of via private variables, globals, the Function object, and many other finite state objects.

    To do this with a private variable simply change the objects variable when its created, or destroyed. Then add a condition that always compares that variable, and does something when it changes.

    Even simpler is the Function object. With it you can call your own function when the object is created/ destroyed. Then you just make up your own function as:

    On function "myfunction"

    -> Do this

  • Welcome to the board.

    On the drop shadow I would suggest placing it into a container with the desired object, and placing that object into a family, rather than using a private variable.

    For each shadow
    -> shadow set position to family.character [/code:3arxkrwf]
    When its in a container with the object, its paired object is already picked.
    Also the Sprite object has a built in function to load an image directly to the desired frame, called "Load animation frame from file". You just have to make sure the animation is set to the frame number you want it to load to.
  • Put your keyword(s) into the Google search like so.

    create object python

    Google its your friend.

  • Bump:

    Ill add a couple.

    The first two I'll probably finish someday, so please don't use them any other way.

    The last is more of demo of an effect, using Mario sprites so you know the deal on that.

  • I don't know that there really is a solution for this, other than not using v-sync.

    See if the object is moving at x pixels per second and the solids are less than x in size, if there is a frame skip the object could end up on the other side. Even if you make the walls wider than the ball's maximum speed the ball could wind up in the middle of the wall, and be pushed out the other side.

  • Actually timedelta is the reason it can skip.

    If your not terribly worried about v-sync, you can set it to unlimited. Otherwise all you can do is make sure the ball, and walls are not set to point. Then increase the size of the ball, and the walls.

    One thing you might try is scaling the objects bigger, and scaling the view so they then look smaller....not sure if that will really help tho.

    Also the hotspot on the ball is a little off. That with rotation could be making things worse.

  • Might be getting some frame skip. That would allow it to move through solids.

  • But how would you choose paths?

    That would require changing a few things to the behavior, and probably bring up backwards compatibility

    Don't get me wrong it sounds like a good thing to add. I just don't think its as easy as you make it sound.

  • Lol changing the behavior sounds like a lot more work to me.

    Anyway this method: works, and can be used right now.

  • Thanks to Rojohound, and his Path behavior, and his explanation of the system expression of {,,}@, or at array access.

    This little editor lets you add a path from an external source without adding an external file.

    The way it works is you click to add a node and when your finished hit the x or y button to copy text to the clipboard, and then paste the array to your cap.

    To set up your cap you will need to clear all current nodes, and make a loop to add a node for each of them. The pathnodearray.cap example should be a good example of how to do that. Just remember to add a loopindex(loopname) to the end, and remember x, and y are set apart.

    I uploaded this as a cap just in case you want a different layout size, since they have to be the same size in both the editor and your cap. Plus if anybody wants to expand on the editor like add lines etc. feel free.
