Well there's no way to report the browser loading issue as its obviously third party related.
Time to clean out the defunct pre-module plugs I guess.
So should we wait for a 265.1, or do the storage thing?
Kinda want to avoid that second one...
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Just use anglerotate() if you don't want the easing.
It will choose the closest angle, just like Tween.
1mrpaul1 If you think there's a bug go file a bug report.
This thread is about figuring out what the pixel scale is.
I would thank you to not hijack it.
I hope it means Xbox will add a way to do a Html5 export.
Then again it would be nice if it somehow made web exports more viable.
Of course it also means we'll have to start adding joystick control to everything.
Thank you Ashlie, z scale now is really not perfect
A. That's not his name.
B. This has nothing to do with what the thread is about.
C. This is a third party issue. Mikal is still working on the plug, and he's doing a an awesome job.
So what does this mean?
Hey lucid have you had a chance to check out the new 3d camera, and see if you could set it up to do animated mesh billboards (paper mario-ish) yet?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I think it will be super handy for anybody doing billboarding, especially if they do any camera changes.
Herm yeah rough estimates look like about 5 to 1.
Trying to estimate the z height to pixel ratio. Is there any set way to figure that out?
I realize that it will vary based on the view.
I'm afraid the only work arounds are a redraw with "on resolution changed", or a swap method to url with sprite, or tiled background. The swap method being the better option as on rez change is super twitchy.
Svg has to be rasterized when you show it, or at anytime you do anything to it.
So its great, only as a static image.