Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • The exported zip file is fine for now, I should be able to see the problem from that. If you prefer you can submit it to my email instead of posting it publicly

  • Hey guannstar sorry to hear your having an issue with the build service. Could you share the project with us so that we can take a look?

  • I think lucid is right that it's a cellular automata, the interaction with larger objects threw me initially. Still no idea how you would get large chunks of terrain to interact like that, but they have obviously figured it out.

    If anyone is interested the basic concept behind fluids in cellular automata can be found here. You can probably reproduce this using an array and a tilemap. Or perhaps just a tilemap, as it's effectively an array in itself.

  • I tried out the alpha clamp technique, the flowing water looks good but when you have places that it settles it looks a bit like slushy snow instead. Also it can cause some serious CPU churn.

    This could be a good starting point to fluid simulation:

    Can probably be compiled to WASM, doesn't help with rendering but gets you nice fluid sim!

  • You could try something like this with the physics behaviour, it's not perfect but works surprisingly well.

  • The keyname should be whatever you named your key when you created the keystore. A keystore is like a key ring. When we create a keystore we also create 1 key and put that on the keyring. When you need to sign an APK you have to choose which key on the key ring to use.

    I believe the field in the "create keystore" dialog which specifies the key is labelled "alias".

  • Hey no worries, thanks for the speedy feedback! This release seems to be getting a lot of love, which is nice 😎

    1. I had kinda pondered on this one. There's a few odd cases and things around this behaviour which I didn't want to make a hasty decision over. For instance: if you do a select all copy paste the data set is truly massive, because excel and sheets both start with very large data sets. I presume they ignore the empty boxes in their save format, but we can't do that with JSON unfortunately... So there's a risk of encouraging very large files etc.

    We could perhaps have a resize warning if it exceeds the size of the editor? Might be the best option.

    2. Yup... I totally forgot that! I will implement it for the next release, in the mean time you could probably abuse cut for this.

    3. I'm not seeing that with sheets, have you tried excel and sheets in that situation? Might be that they have a slightly different behaviour...

    There is one other behaviour I noticed that I hadn't implemented, because it seemed complicated and not particularly useful. In sheets if you copy say a 3x3, then select a larger area and paste it will tile that data. Can you see that ever being useful? Not sure if I should keep that on my radar or forget about it.

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  • Looks very cool, I'm expecting that they have an awful lot of shaders to deal with the simulation. It would be very heavy to simulate on the CPU and much better suited to the GPU. Compute shaders are probably the way to go. Or you could CPU if you had a lot of threads, but that would limit what hardware it would work well on.

    You could probably emulate some of this with custom effects, but I imagine they would be pretty tedious to iterate ( modify plugin, package, install, reload, load project, test, repeat... ).

    In case anyone hasn't seen it is a website dedicated to making cool things using only fragment shaders. It's kinda amazing. Just to warn you, some of them run very slowly even on powerful computers... So your computer might get kinda toasty.

  • The tile movement plugin is still pretty new. We generally aim to update documentation with stable releases, but that plugin hasn't been in any stable releases yet.

    It uses a linear speed, so it will appear to move smoothly for as long as it is moving. Position wise it will always snap to a grid when not moving, and it can only move to a grid aligned position.

    You can change the size of the grid and the movement speed with the properties bar; it's default dimensions are 32px x 32px.

  • It's technical name is the "conditional (ternary) operator" quite a lot of people refer to it as the ternary operator as most languages only have 1 ternary operator. Ternary operator meaning that it contains 3 parts. It's form is:

    condition ? thenClause : elseClause
  • Ah cool, I didn't know you can export only OGG for Android. It's been awhile since I used C2. You could use ffmpeg to recompress your ogg files, it has several options for modifying the quality/file size of the output. Best practise is to always start with a source quality audio file ( WAV ) instead of recompressing a compressed file ( OGG ). ffmpeg is kinda complicated, but there's a lot of people chatting online about how to use it and the documentation isn't bad.

    TinyPNG can get some excellent compression levels, better than PNGCrush for the most part. But if the image has a lot of colours in you may end up with some quality loss. So it's worth experimenting.

    Best of luck!

  • I am glad you got there eventually. You will find it easier to learn on a laptop or desktop computer than a mobile device I think.

    You can select multiple tiles to paint at once using the "patch selection" tool. The icon is a dashed square. You can then use the "fill" tool to end up with something that resembles the tiled background plugin.

  • It's on pause at the moment, but will hopefully revisit it soon. Our policy is not to discuss when a feature will be complete, as it can be hard to predict and some people take our word as gospel. Sorry about that :/

    What I can tell you is the current intention is that only the C3 runtime will support expansion APKs. So it would unfortunately not support your current project. It's unlikely that we will look into backporting support to either the C2 or C2.3 runtimes in the future.

    If your up to the challenge you may have some luck exporting as an Android studio project and generating an AAB. There's supposedly some size reductions to be had just switching format. Failing that if your trying to reduce the size of an APK you can use a tool like 7-zip to see what it taking up the most space ( APK, AAB and C3P are all technically zip files ), and then optimise accordingly. I believe you can technically edit an APK directly, but you will have to manually align and sign the APK afterwards.

    Here's a screenshot looking at an AAB I created yesterday, other than a few small tweaks they aren't that different from an APK. Looking through it I can see that 4MB of the 7.6MB for this archive is taken up by music, and 2.6MB is images.

    I tried re-compressing one of those images with tinypng ( lossy ) and it went from 404KB to 146KB with no noticeable change. If all the images compressed that well the archive would now be 5.9MB. You probably have 2 versions of each audio track as well ( m4a and ogg ) but only need 1 ( ogg I believe ). If all the m4a files were removed that file would lose around 1.2MB coming to 4.7MB. Which is a pretty healthy reduction!

    You can make these changes in windows explorer; directly to the android studio project. So you don't have to mess around editing an APK file.

  • Newly created projects include a series of images in the "icons" folder. These are the files used for application icons. Different mobile devices require different size icons, so it's advisable to provide all of the sizes, even if it looks correct on your phone.

  • Construct does not hold any passwords to any of your cloud services. When you log in Google gives us a ticket which construct holds on to. Whenever construct saves a file it shows the ticket to Google. If Google decides the ticket is valid then the file is saved.

    This ticket is only valid for 1 hour, after that we have to ask for a new ticket. When you press the logout button we throw the ticket away.

    When we need to get a new ticket we will open the Google sign in page, and wait for it to give us a ticket back. We have no control over the Google sign in page. When you type in your user name and password you are giving it to Google, not to us. We never see your password.

    If your browser is already signed into your Google account the sign in page may just return the ticket to us, as you have told Google that you trust C3. Unless you are using your personal computer, with adequate password protection, I would not advise leaving your Google account signed in. Anyone using that browser will be able to view your gmail, drive files, etc. If it's a shared computer then I suggest that you use either a guest or incognito window. These will sign you out of Google once the window is closed.

    Finally, on your Google account settings you can "untrust" any applications that you have granted access to your Google account.