Nepeo's Forum Posts

  • LukeW we use WebRTC peer to peer connections for the remote preview, this might be being blocked by the schools firewall. This tool allows you to test if a WebRTC connection can be made from your current device back to itself.

    You will likely need to discuss this with your schools IT department, they might be able to unblock the connection.

  • yeaaqbi can you submit your project to our issue tracker please, we can investigate the problem for you further then.

  • It can be quite a pain to get it working, despite my best efforts to make it easy. The underlying mobile APIs are just awkward unfortunately.

    You are welcome to submit your project to either our issue tracker or to me personally at and I will look into the problem for you.

  • Sorry about that, I last opened it in a debug build. The release version didn't understand part of the project, you should be able to open it now?

  • I actually have a project which you could use as a reference here

    While it looks different it's working in much the same way as your project was. It's iterating over a tilemap using 2 loops ( using repeat in this case ) generating a noise value per tile, and using that to decide what tile to use.

    My value calculation line does some math which you probably don't need to look at, but otherwise this is a fairly optimal way to use the plugin.

    Looking back at your project, I'm not sure how your applying it in the full version but your tilemap is roughly 108 * 60 tiles ( ~6000 ) comparing this to your event sheet your generating 1000 * 1000 tiles ( 1000000 ). Which means your doing more than 2000 times more work than you need. If you do need that many tiles you will find it much faster to generate the tiles in small patches as you need them ( generally within view of your character ). My terrain example generates just under 15000 tiles per frame and runs at a nice smooth 60fps on my computer, and that's using the slower 3D noise which an additional octave.

    You probably know this but perlin noise is effectively persistent, being that given the same seed and the same input values it will always give the same number back out.

  • Taking a look at it now for you; got 3 things for you so far.

    First thing is that inside your CreatePerlinNoise function you are attempting to read the scale from index 3 instead of 2. This out of range read is causing a HUGE amount of warnings in the browser console, which is why it's running so slow. Fixing this got me down to a 3 second run.

    Second you don't need to provide your seed in the expression, the plugin already uses a seedable PRNG internally. By default it uses a random seed. You can set it using the Update Seed action, but it can also be set as a property of the object through the editor. You can use the Seed expression to get the current seed, and you can use the RandomSeed expression to create a new random seed.

    Finally your setting your octave count once per iteration, it only needs calling when you want to change it.

  • Hey Kossad, have you tried checking the error message expression? It should return a string containing the reason for the configuration failure in the "on configuration failed" condition.

  • You can use BBcode within the text plugin to provide inline styling, you can read more in the manual

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  • I'm sorry to hear that you've been having problems, have you filed any of these problems on our issue tracker?

    We try to keep on top of issues, but unless users report them there is no guarantee that we will find out about it.

    I would guess that part of the file loading does not understand that file name. Try it with a simpler filename using basic characters ( a-z ). I don't know enough to recognise what those symbols are, but I would wager that they use a complex character encoding.

  • Hey there, I'm the dev who wrote the Advanced Random plugin.

    What you're kinda discovering here is that despite what people are saying, WASM isn't a silver bullet for performance. Side by side code performance for WASM and well written JS can be pretty similar. It doesn't help that most browsers have an noticeable cost when you call into WASM from JS. The browser developers are still improving things here so in a years time we could see fairly large improvements, but it's hard to say how big an improvement. Firefox can already run WASM code much faster than Chrome, so hopefully we can at least see parity at some point.

    Could you tell me a little more about how your using your noise? Or possibly provide the project/s so that I could compare performance?

    I have a few ideas that could improve performance. Also we're still early days on this plugin so user feedback is much appreciated.

  • jeddakus your using browser saves for this right? We do advise that you don't use these for permanent storage, they can be deleted by clearing your browsing cache. But let's see if we can recover these projects.

    Are you attempting to load these through recent projects or the file dialog?

    If they are appearing in the file dialog attempt to download them ( not open, right click download ).

    EDIT - sorry I didn't see your last message about it failing to load, could you check the browser console for any messages?

  • The last 10 exports are stored for later download in the Export Manager. The Export Manager utilises browser storage space to hold these exports. The amount of data a website can store is subject to it's "storage quota" On chrome this roughly works out to 7% of free space of your hard drive. So if you have 60GB of free space a web app can store up to 4GB of data on your PC. Safari has a hard limit of 50MB.

    You can view your storage quota and usage in the "about" dialog ( bottom of the main menu ). You can view the export manager via menu > view > export manager.

    If you fill your storage quota then exports are only held by the export manager until you close Construct, as it cannot save them for later. NWJS builds are by their nature quite large, and the NWJS frameworks are also stored in browser storage ( using up more storage space ).

  • What version/platform are you running on?

    There was a bug on Edge based platforms that prevented the recent projects list from being updated, which occurs when projects are opened or saved. It should be resolved in the current beta version.

  • STARTECHSTUDIOS there's some bug fixes for the plugin coming in the next release.

  • Looks like a classical numerical precision problem. Often when computers perform maths on non integer values a small amount of error will creep in. For instance if you add 0.1 and 0.2 in most languages you will get 0.30000000000000004. It's generally better to structure things to avoid needing this sort of check, but there's a well known solution when it does happen.

    You can use an appropriate epsilon ( or fudge factor if you like ) in the check.

    So replace your condition with something like:

    abs(470 - camera.X) < 0.01

    The "abs" will allow the camera to be a little less, or little than the target.