NeonKraze's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Ok, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to convert my currency to have commas as well as once it gets to the millions it states "1 Mil" instead of "1000000", as well as carrying on such as "1.1 Mil" and so on. I have seen that RegexReplace may help but I am still quite Noobish and not sure the best way to approach this even with RegexReplace, Can someone shed some light on this? I also believe that this would be due to an issue with the numbers and variables being floats. I just wanted some insight on this one. Thanks! if your wondering it is for this game. ... ncept-7399

  • Does this thread help?

    Thanks for the reply! I tried this but I can't figure out how to implement the "Million" at the end, as well as shorted the variable to 1 so that it ends up being "1 million" How would I implement that?

  • Ok, so I'm trying to figure out the best way to convert my currency to have commas as well as once it gets to the millions it states "1 Million" instead of "1000000", I have seen that RegexReplace may help but I am still quite Noobish and not sure the best way to approach this even with RegexReplace, Can someone shed some light on this?

  • NeonKraze Sounds great, please remember to let me know when the game is ready, I will be happy to give some feedback!

    Thanks! yeah I have been updating it like crazy and added in more features, its still like have of the game and needs way more balancing but its a start, I should have everything finished in maybe 3 weeks.

  • I really like the idea, even though it felt a bit chaotic to me at first, I was confused on where can I start the clicking but besides that I really like the concept and I'm looking forward to how you progress with it. Ohh and when you click on "N" it says "Navigation", but its just a tiny oversight

    Thanks! yeah I'm going to have to figure out a way to guide the player on the functionality to prevent that but, I'm glad you enjoy it so far! Will all the plays and comments on the game I decided to finish it and have already implemented the space ship parts going to finish the Ships today and then balance it out so its not that easy to gather ores well at least increase the prices for the mining drones.

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  • honestly, Monster Hunter is one of my favorite games, please let me know also, I found something a while back that may help you,

    this guide will show you how to make destructible parts on bosses, for them tail carves

  • This sounds like fun! can't wait to test this out

  • wow! that's really awesome! addicting too. Well done I was able to get through the first level, so far the game play is hard enough but easy enough to keep going. I would say the perfect amount of rage.

  • So one day I had an idea, that Idea then blossomed into this abomination that I call space clicker, it is a game where you navigate to different asteroid belts then gather ore by clicking on them. you then can returning to the station and refining those ores into ingots then taking those ingots and either selling them on the market to upgrade your mining operations or to manufacture Space Ships such as mining ships, Cargo ships or eventually frigates and dreadnoughts, which you can sell on the market for lots of credits, I may even include building different types of space stations, I have a thing for clicker games and I haven't seen anything like this in the market and or in clicker game functionality so I decided screw it. I'll make it since I'm craving it. So here we have, the Concept Demo!

    Yup over 350 events so far and counting, mostly stitched together with gum and rubber bands, essentially macgyver this sucker into working.

    Keep in mind I am just showing the basic functionality and this is still hugely in progress but, after posting it on the arcade and seeing some good stats, I decided to finish this project. I'm going to add ship building and manufacturing in the next couple of days. I also want to hear your guy's ideas on this and what you would like to see in game. even things such as building a ship and doing test flights. or even local ship fighting with your friends! I could even do planet bases that you will have to purchase that can provide commodities such as wheat or meat.

    Please let me know what you guys think yeah?

  • I personally love the feel for this game! rage inducing when trying to drift the corners but, that's what I like it makes you just want to keep trying and trying till you get a feel for it. when you do get the driving down, you feel this sort of accomplishment, its great keep it up!

  • 10 posts