NECROKRIEG's Forum Posts

  • Thanks Guizmus

    I thought I could use the 'progress' global variable as a float instead of making a Speed global Variable.

    " clamp(progress + dt*speed, 0, 1) " makes sense. You added the dt speed to 'progress' but I could only get it to speed up. I don't think it can go below the default speed: I inputted " 0.5, 1 " at the end of the code, ie . . .

    . . .clamp(progress + dt*speed, 0.5, 1


  • Hiya lunarray

    I tried to figure out how to Adjust the scroll speed

    I understand that 2*dt adjusts the scroll speed between X and Y positions:

    " Scroll to lerp(scrollx, player.X, 2*dt) , lerp(scrolly, player.Y, 2*dt) "

    But I can't seem to make the dt value work with your adjusted code. I first thought that the variable at the end would adjust the speed. ie:

    " Set progress to clamp(progress + dt, 0, 5) "

    Then I thought to place Dt variables at the end of:

    On touched Clickspot > scrollToX to Clickspot.TargetX, 2*dt ...

    ...but I get an expression error. I think I need to learn more about how to combine different expressions, do you recommend a particular tutorial?

    Thanks again!

  • Wigriff


    Thanks guys, I will post my findings!

  • lunarray

    You are pure genius, your code is so much simpler! I repeated the lerp code for each button, what a complicated newbie error! Thanks for introducing me to 'clamp' & 'progress' functions. I'm going to go deeper into this now!

    I'm also going to try out a waypoint system so the camera scrolls from point-A to point-B to point-C on a single button press. Eg. On button pressed the camera scrolls down once > scrolls left once > scrolls down once. (as if it's following a path) I guess I can use a path finding behavior too. Time to experiment! :D


  • Thanks Paradox & Lunarray! :DX


    Thanks :D This is exactly what I wanted to achieve

    Do you think this method is efficient to use if I where to create 5 or more pairs of buttons? Like this example

    I aim to illustrate my music info-graphic<img src="" border="0">

    (but designed to be simpler )

    Thanks you guys!!!


  • Howdy!

    I want to create an interactive slide show using buttons to trigger a 'scroll to' behavior.

    I bounced around the forums learning about some great methods of how to scroll to position to position using lerp & delta time.

    I'm almost there but came across a problem when I implement more than one button. When I press Square 1 the camera scrolls to square 2 (visa/versa) but when I then press Square 3 it does not scroll all the way to Square 4. I really don't know why it falls short? :(



    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!


  • This is just lame <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    My Lerp Buttons:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Buttons with your EaseTween:

    <img src="" border="0">

    And Consider that my Version does not even apply any effects !

    Here are the lerp buttons I made without LiteTween. There's only 4 buttons!



    <img src="" border="0">

  • Scroll To: Button Trigger

    Thanks Vtrix!!

    I re-appropriated the code so when you press the 'scrollstart' object the camera scrolls to the destination (player) instead of automatically scrolling :D

    Iv also made the animated 'player' into a button, so I can return to the start.

    I have a problem: I can only press the 'scrollstart' object once. When I press the object for the 2nd time nothing happens. Why doesn't the Boolean function reset so you can activate the button again? ...I'll have another tinker!



  • Carousel Weblinks


    I modified it so when you press an image it will take you to a website.

    Mouse > On clicked Sprite > Browser > Go to "http://..."

    This works! But it only allows for one link to be assigned to the 1 sprite. How would I make it so each frame can contain a unique web link.

    I think the best way is to somehow identify a specific frame.

    and assign it with a unique web link.

    I tried using 'set frame' but no luck!

    Any way of doing it without having several sprites?

  • Heya Austin!

    Social Not Working [Resolved]

    I think you are right because when I hosted the files on another server (not dropbox) it worked well! How do you find out if a server is using http or https?

    Social Not Working with Firefox (C2 Preview)

    I have no idea why but it doesn't work. I really don't like Firefox it has fallen behind Chrome. (Graphics processing slower, C2 image points move around) But it is still a leading browser. Firefox pic attached.

    Thanks Mate! is awesome

    -Alex :D

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Can't Post to Facebook or Twitter

    Hey Yo'll!

    I have an issue where I can only post to fb / twitter within Construct 2's game preview.

    When I export my game as HTML5 web and host it on Drop box, the social features wont post to my fb / twitter account, despite being logged into these accounts with doesnt seem to remember that I'm logged in as the login prompt keeps appearing if I press the Twitter button again (to post game link)

    Tested on r128.2 & r129 using chrome.



    Image shows posting successfully after login in C2 game preview:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Thank you resetting the interface in preferences worked! 'Animations' window now shows up. It was driving me nuts! I think the reason the Animations window did not show up is because after i installed the latest C2 update it did not refresh the newer interface making some panels not appear or hide under others. taa mate!