NecroKing's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • I mean event number 4: If Turret has target - Spawn FROG_POISON

    Oh, i change it to turret target acquired and it worked, thank you!

  • I suppose Turret has target event runs every tick (so 60+ times a second, depending on your framerate). Is this the problem?

    Its " On start of layout "

  • Hello, i set a turret to spawn an bullet when its shoot to my player, bur its spawning a lot of bullets.


  • Don't use "Spawn" action, because objects are spawned at the same angle as the original object. Use "System Create sprite at (Enemy.x, enemy.y)"

    Ok, I'll try, thanks man.

  • It's difficult to understand you.

    You have an enemy moving with Pathfinding, correct? The enemy has a health bar above it. You don't want the health bar to rotate with the enemy?

    Don't use Pin behavior. Add health bar sprite and the enemy to a container. Do this:

    > On every tick
    	Healthbar set position to Enemy.X, Enemy.BBoxTop

    It's not a healthy bar, it's a image o how much damage he recievied, and i put that:

    obj_bullet on collision with obj_enemie --> obj_enemie spawn obj_hit

    Obj_hit is the image of the 10 of damage that he recieve, it's just an visual efect/obj, it doesn't affect the game.

    But when the obj_enemy rotate, the image of the 10, rotate too, so i want to , somehow, make the hit fix on the obj_enemie head, or stop obj_enemie rotate.

  • I'm trying to set one damage visual element (10 up the enemy head, saying how much did he get hitted) when i hit my enemy, but he rotate becouse the pathfinding, i don't know what i can do. If there's a way to fix the 10 up his head, or disable the rotate to put it there.

    (There it was some english mistakes so i corrected0

  • I'm trying to set one damage visual element (10 up the enemuy head, saying how much did he get hitted) when i hit my enemy, but he rotate becouse the pathfinding, i don't know what i can do. If there's a way to fix the 10 up his had, or disable the rotate to fiz it there.

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  • Your 'var_zombie_health' need to be an instance variable not a global. Otherwise it's not possible to see which zombie has a value of 0 health.

    Thanks man, I tried to change to instance variable, but at the first moments, I didnt know how to compare the variable to put the minus live and if var_enemy_healthy is minus or equal to zero, it destroy. But after trying to chance some things at the initial events, i could make it right, thanks you again, that problem was really a pain on the ****

  • I tried to put at the 2 enemys events but it didnt worked, if you can help me telling where it should be, it would be great! thanks for ur time

  • Hello I am developing an RPG game, and I decided to insert an variable for my enemy life, i insert that my bullet would subtract 10 from the 30 of enemylife, but when i destroy one enemy, all disapear, wwhat should i do?

    Olá, estou desenvolvendo um jogo RPG e decidi colocar uma variável para a vida do meu inimigo, eu coloquei que a minha bullet tiraria 10 dos 30 pontos de vida do meu inimigo, mas quando eu destruo um inimigo, todos são destruídos, o que eu faço?

    sorry for my bad englishg, im brazilian


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  • 10 posts