Ne7herM0St's Forum Posts

  • How do I make it so a certain object will spawn at a completely random location off screen, then move towards the player? I can probably figure out the moving part but not the spawning. If I pick a random location completely sometimes it spawns on the screen, and sometimes it spawns so far away it might as well not be there! How do I limit this kind of thing?

  • The ads only work in the final apk version, not in preview.


    even when I got the game on google play no ads show up :/

  • What are the settings you used?

    In Construct or Intel XDK?

    On Construct I don't really see any mobile exclusive settings.

    in Intel XDK build settings, in Android-Crosswalk I have I only changed app ID and App Name

    Everything including minimum API(14) and Max API (19) were left the same.

  • Basically I uploaded my game to google play, and it's on the store, however when I go to download it it says it's not compatible with my HTC One m9 ;-; how am I supposed to make it compatible? ?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello,

    you just can add your ads code there (if you are using AdSense, just copy the code and insert it there). This field supports HTML.

    If you want to create mobile games you must use AdMob or other mobile ad networks.

    How to insert them depends on the compiler (Cordova, Canvas+ and so on).

    CocoonIO: ... document-7

    Cordova (Intel XDK): ... creen-ads/



    I followed the Cordova one but when i run the game in Intel App Preview on my phone no ad shows up, are there some steps that guide doesn't mention?

  • I know I'm supposed to export the game in Cordova or something, and then put it in Intel XDK, however when i do this and try to emulate the game I just get a black screen. Alot of tutorials i've found are outdated or skip over alot of stuff so I have no idea what im doing wrong

  • ok it worked! thanks so much

  • how did you nest them like that? if i try dragging else into the left click event it doens't let me

  • Image broken. What is your code for the toggle? Can you post a .capx? Probably an easy fix.

    On Left Button Clicked on Sprite 6

    and Animation frame = 0 - Set animation Frame 1

    On Left Button Clicked on Sprite 6

    and Animation frame = 1 - Set animation Frame 0

    That's literally all it is

  • for whatever reason, the image wont toggle when i click on the sprite (Sprite6).

    The playMusic var doesn't toggle either, but i figure if i find out how to fix one i can probably fix the other.

    Does anyone know why this wont work?

  • To make it seem more professional i want my game to not have the construct 2 loading screen when it starts up but instead something of my own, how do i do this?

  • The most common cause of that behavior would be if the origin point of your sprite is placed outside the object. If that is the case all you need to do is to center it.

    The origin point is centered.

  • Do you have the behavior bullet and rotate on the same sprite? If so bullet will move at the rotation angle.

    Yes they're on the same sprite because i want the bullet object's sprite to rotate.

  • I gave an object the rotate behavior but when i play the game the object rotates on a weird axis. Basically i juist want the sprite to rotate, but the entire object is moving in a big circle. Whats going on?

  • >



    > heres a refference photo if it helps




    I feel i should mention that ur "example" looks better than my game .-. XD

    and that worked so thank you very much =3