Naxos84's Forum Posts

  • You have unlimited ammount of bullets. Just (R)eload

    The game only assigns the prober number of bullets in main menu. so refreshing the game layout will NOT reload your weapon.

    IndieKiwi But letting zombies drop something (bullets, health etc.) is quite a nice idea Thx

    Edit: added known issues to main post.

  • Ok guys... its time for the first update.

    I made a few changes in code so the Shop can come in the next update.

    Changes in this version:

    -You have an object to defend. (If the zombies reach this object you loose health)

    -Yes now you can "die" if u hit a zombie you loose health

    -changed accuracy of the weapons(will be upgradeable in shop)

    -added score (no highscore)

    Link to the game

    Edit: No i will not share my capx at the moment, but if anyone wants to know how i solved a special thing PM me.

  • The problem is....

    if u change height it "cuts" away a bit from top and bottom (of the sprite) so the sprite can fall again.

    Then bounce = 1 again.....

    So if u assign the Origin-ImagePoint to the bottom it only cuts away from top..... so it can NOT fall again...

    Like spacedoubt said

  • Here is an example capx i made for you.

    It works as follows.

    If there is already a "local key" called "my_games_highscore" it loads that value into the textbox.

    if u click the button and the textbox is NOT empty it will set the "local key" called "my_games_highscore" to the value in the textbox.

    I hope that helps.

  • Yepp....

    Just found that error on my own right now.....

    i didnt see that "+" in front of event 30 and thought thats it ^^^



    EDIT: yes now everything works fine so far

  • Obviously i mixed them up

    But "Array Width is 4 and Array Height is 12" now is correct. (At least thats what C2 says )

  • CAPX

    Array Width is 4 and Array Height is 12

    so its like Array(4, 12) right?

    first row stats for weapon "0" -->Pistol

    second row stats for weapon "1" --> MP

    third row stats for weapon "2" --> Shotgun

    fourth row game stats like cash, level etc.

    I use different "Y-Index" cause in Array[X,1] it has the value for the clipsize for the Xth Weapon

    and in Array[X,11] it has the value of the current amount of Bullets in the Xth Weapon mag

    So my Pistol Clipsize ( Array[0,1] is of size 6 (so if i reload that weapon, i need to know how many bullets i get to fire away)

    If there are problems understanding my code. let me know

  • For my Situation...

    Im working with the Free Edition.

    I have some Gun Objects. One of them is named "Pistol" it has instance variables in it so i can access my Array with them.

    Pistol.WeaponID = 0

    Pistol.ClipSize = 1

    Pistol.currentAmmo = 11

    i have an Array with weaponstats in it.

    Array.Width = 12

    Array[0,1] = 6 ==> Size of the Clip of that weapon

    Array[0,11] = 6 ==> Ammount of Ammo inside that Clip/Weapon

    When i start my game the array is getting intialized with values like i want.

    When i shoot my weapon (the first time) it substracts 1 from Array[11] until empty or getting reloaded.

    But when i reload im doing:

    Array --> Set value at(Pistol.WeaponID, Pistol.currentAmmo) to Array.At(Pistol.WeaponID, Pistol.ClipSize);

    So i want to put the value at Array[0,11] to the value that is stored in Array[0,1]

    so that i have a full clip again. well the first time i reload it does exactly this.

    But its doing something else (too)... My Programm is setting Pistol.currentAmmo to "1" (thats the index of Pistol.ClipSize)


    If u have any questions to understand my issue please let me know.


  • shinkan

    thanks that seems to work....

  • Well yes, i can access them....

    But they have no value. (but they should have one)

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  • Hey everyone...

    I have the following problem.

    I have different 3 Objects (guns) they all have instance variables like accuracy, dmg etc.

    I put them in my GameLayout and can access their instance variables.

    But i also have Shop Layout where i can upgrade these weapons (better accuracy, more dmg).

    How can i access these instance variables in this different Layout?

    I only have the Free Version so i can't just add a ton of global variables for the guns...

  • Cool! a Reload Timer yould be great i think so that you know how long you have to stay behind cover...

  • Hey everyone.

    I just wanted to post my newest (3rd) try of making a game. This game is made with the Free Version of Construct, cause at the moment i can't afford the full version.


    The zombies in your neighbourhood love brains. So get your weapons ready to defend your own brain.

    Version 0.03

    -added the Shop

    -added a crosshair as mouse cursor

    -issue solved where you started with 0 bullets

    Version 0.02:

    -added player health

    -added object to defend

    -changed weapon accuracy (will be upgradeable in shop later)

    Version 0.01:

    -Game launched for the first time



    Known issues:

    -1st or 2nd zombie comes with no health bar

    -the first shot from pistol makes no sound...

    Coming up soon:


    -Levels (each level getting harder)

    -better graphics


    You play against oncoming zombies.

    Each Round last for 180 seconds (3 min)

    Every 5 seconds a new zombie will spawn.

    just shoot it

    Key Bindings:

    W,A,S,D: Moving the Player

    1,2,3: changing Weapon (Pistol, MP, Shotgun)

    Mouse: Aim and Shoot

    R: Reload your current Weapon (while reloading you can't switch weapons)

    As you can see in the Coming Up Section there is a lot of work that needs to be done.

    If you find anything else that has to be fixed, please let me know.

    If you have any suggestions on the game, please let me know.

    If you want to give the game a name, please let me know

    Any feedback or comment will we appreciated.

    And sorry for my english (i'm from germany)

  • Same Problem here :(

    Are there any solutions by now?