NathanielFalcon's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Hello,

    I'm currently making a psychedelic platformer of sorts. While I am using bitmap art I'm not wanting it to be pixel art, so I realized I need to scale it up a bit in order to make sure the tiles look okay.

    What is the largest layout size I should go with, if I'm building this for just an internet PC game? What is the endth degree? Like 4000 high by 10 000 wide? Is there a certain point where it gets so big that it's no longer optimal?


  • Hello!

    My name is Nathan, and I'm an experienced illustrator/writer who is slowly chipping away at his gamedev hobby. I've already made one game before, which was a lot of fun and a good way of getting my feet wet. I'm now starting on my next project, Astral Splatter, which is a frogger/crossy road like game, but in space. It's a step up from what I was doing before, and a bit more demanding when it comes to programming everything. This, hopefully, is where you come in.

    I don't need someone to program my game for me necessarily, but rather act as someone I can bounce occasional questions off of, and provide support/advice for the technical ends of things. I'm much more creatively inclined myself, so programming is a bit outside of my comfort zone (hence why I use C2) but I'd much rather have someone I can specifically bounce things off of and actually have a dialogue with to solve the problem and learn from it. I know that I could go to the help forums, but responses can be a bit hit and miss, and I feel this way is a lot more personable.

    In return I'm more than happy to create game assets for you, as I have experience making sprites for my previous game as well as for a few other people for their projects. I can do pixel art or a regular illustrative style, and can additionally proofread/edit any text in your game is well. Everything is negotiable, but all in all I'd like to find a friendly person who I can collaborate and grow with as an artist and game developer.

    Ideally the successful candidate will A) Have already made a game or two themselves and B) Possess a decent command of the English language (This is nothing personal/judgemental, but rather to speak to the fact that it is difficult to discuss technical terms and ideas with someone who doesn't understand the full nuance of the message you're trying to get across).

    My first game is here:

    A sampling of my art is here:

    If you think you're the right person for the task, please email me at

    Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you!

  • Alrighty, here's the sitch:

    My name is Nathaniel Falcon, and I'm an artist living in Canada. I'm looking to get into Sheridan, which is a top-notch college on the other side of the country from me, and they have pretty rigorous requirements for entry into their game dev program. I believe I have what it takes to get in, and so I am preparing a portfolio that is due on Feb 1st. This is where you come in.

    I need a C2 guru to act as a guide and mentor. I already have a small game built, and am getting started on a much larger platformer project, but suffice to say I'm pretty new to the program and I'm still bumbling my way around. I am looking for someone who can answer my many noobish questions and help me debug/optimize my games, and assist with the portfolio in general. The position is paid, and this can be done a few ways - either I pay you per hour over a skype call, or I pay you per week to consult with me via email, or some other way you find preferable. Conversely, if you are making a game of your own and need art assets created I would be more than happy to exchange my talents for yours. I am open and flexible to any variety of arrangements, I just need to get this done sooner rather than later.

    If you'd like to see my stuff, feel free to visit my website at

    If you're interested in the position, please email me at along with some info about you and some past C2 projects you've created.

    Otherwise, thank you for your time!

  • Oh, ok, thank you so much!

  • Hello!

    I just finished my first game in Construct 2, and I'm pretty proud of it. The only problem is that I'm having trouble when it changes layouts/levels, as everything just seems to stop working. Could someone please provide me with some feedback as to how I can fix the issue? Thanks!

    Here's the dropbox link for the capx:

  • Hello!

    My name is Nathaniel Falcon and I am an artist living in Alberta, Canada. I have been drawing for all of my life and am currently pursuing my fine arts degree, and I am looking for pixel art projects that I can help out with! I would prefer to find a paying gig but have been known to be flexible with revshare, just send me an email to work things out. I can do all kinds of art, from pixel to vector. All of my information can be found at my website,

    Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

    Nathaniel Falcon

  • Hey man,

    I'm an artist and I'm interested in helping out. I need to build my game art portfolio and it looks like you've already got something good going, so if you need an extra hand I'd be more than happy to lend one. You can see my fine art on my website, if you have any questions. I have done some pixel art as well, which I'd be glad to send along if you're interested. Shoot me a message!


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  • Hi there,

    My name is Nathaniel Falcon, and I am an artist and illustrator in Canada. I have a lot of art education under my belt, and I'm looking to expand my portfolio into the world of game art.

    Below are some samples of my pixel art, and my fine art can be seen at I will be charging $15/hr, and can work with a variety of payment options.

    If you have any questions, please email me at!

  • That depends on the kind of sprites you need. Please email me at the address above to discuss this further.

  • Hello,

    My name is Nathaniel Falcon, and I am an illustrator with a lifetime of art training under my belt. I am loving Construct 2 and am slowly picking my way through making a game of my own, but my real love lies in making sprites and assets. I am looking for projects to collaborate on. I am mainly trying my hand at pixel art right now, but I am wanting to expand into vector based art and beyond. I have a flexible schedule and access to photoshop, as well as my own tablet. I

    My portfolio is available here:

    Please email me at if you have any further questions or concerns.

    I look forward to seeing what we can create together!

  • 10 posts