Narcis13's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • working on it ... see you soon with updates

    Good luck!

  • I've posted a "behaviour topic" for followPath stuff here:

    follow path

    I think this is just usefull for game developers ... isnt it?

    A fragment of the event sheet for the wierd demo ...

    <img src="" border="0">

    See you!

  • As i promised earlier , in SVG shapes plugin topic i have this rollin'...

    I've made (still in alpha testing) a path follow behaviour. So the user can insert a path shape into layout, and after that he can apply this behaviour to any game element in the game world.

    After that tiny task the user can setup a follow that path (chosen by him) action and the host element of the behaviour will gladly run on that path.

    We have paramters for that run: number of repeats, delay till start the walk, duration, ease type.

    I assume i will provide pause action for that walker on the path, resume action and stop action.

    We can program actions on the "On reach the end of path" event .

    At this time of development the rotation of the walker sprite in the demo link provided (twitter icon) is not working smoothly, but i guess i will clamp somehow the things ...

    Tiny demo

    Sorry for my bad english! Have a good night!

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  • I prepare a surprise behaviour...

    And of course, it's possible to add SVG Image , but it cannot make sense, the Sprite plugin is much faster and powerfull.

    All is created at runtime, nothing to load.

    Design the shape in whatever tool you wish to , and an event could be :

    System->On start of layout : MyAwesomeShape-> set path data to "M100,20 c 125,478........."

    After that you can animate some style and path itself to make cool morphs, drag the shape around, respond to click, dblclick, hover, end animation .

    For each animation you specify a delay in ms., a number of repeat times, an ease type (linear, bounce, elastic, EaseOut....etc).

    I will try to not implement any feature that is currently possible in standard plugins.

    Ahh ... and i played a bit adding some physics to shapes or 8 dir movements and stuff. Once again, Construct 2 is verrrryyy nice ....!!

  • Hello guys,

    This is my first post here, and i am glad i can share this awesome program with you, all.

    I really like this piece of software , so i decided to try develop some plugins. My main interest area is outside of gaming, somehow, so i decided to begin with some shapes... the basic ones..a circle and a path.

    I am still working at these plugins, i ask myself if it will be some interest in them.

    They can be used in games too!

    I mean, for interfaces (they are scalable),huds, even some game elemnts could be some nifty pathes, for presentations, visualisations other kind of webapp .

    Till i come here with plugin files please take a look at this demo (proof of concept):


    Play around a bit, and i'm waiting here for comments.

    Note: where is not webgl possible , the SVG layer doesnt appear in right place , i will investigate later ...

    Thank you and good luck to all of you!


  • 5 posts